Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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ryanclark11 23 Nov 2003 17:30

London to Singapore Costs? Time?
Hi, Myself and a friend who have never done any overland riding before are planning on traveling home to Australia on bikes next year. We would apprciate any information on approx cost per day plus extras like shipping bikes arround China and Burma and Visas. Also how long it is going to take us max, min and comfortably to give us an idea.
We will be leaving late in the year and if we could get a resonable idea of when is the lastest we could leave without having to rush to avoid the cold.


Ryan Clark

Grant Johnson 24 Nov 2003 01:02


That's a very big question and difficult to answer - it could fill a book - or this website!

Strongly recommend a good read through of the Travellers Stories section - you'll get some good ideas from the firsthand experineces of the travellers who have done just that route.

Costs can run around US$30 day per person, VERY approximately - someone else will say that's ridiculous they did it on 10, someone else will say impossible, it's 60...

The Karakoram is snowed in by late Novemeber or so. See Michael Eirles story and the Duvals for details.

One bike or two?

Timing is impossible to answer - it all depends on how you travel - your route can take anywhere from 10 days to years... both have been done...

have fun reading and learning!

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

ryanclark11 24 Nov 2003 14:08


We would be on two bike and were thinking four or five months, is that going to be a whirlwind or not


Werner 25 Nov 2003 00:05

I've done this trip last summer, starting in London on July 1, a good date to start. If you're interested in details, a possible trajectory, and cost, you may want to look at my book about the trip, listed in the "Books" section, entitled, "From Nordkapp to Cape York on a Motorcycle."

ryanclark11 26 Nov 2003 21:25

OK, this is route we were thinking, im sure there is problems somwhere in there and would apreciate them being pointed out.

france germany czech rep slovenia hungary croatia serbia\bosnia yugoslavia albaina greece turkey syria lebanon? israel egypt jordan saudi arabia kuwait iraq iran afghanistgan pakistan india nepal bangladesh vietnam laos thailand malaysia indonesia east timor australia!

Werner 27 Nov 2003 00:59

Hi Guys,
You surely must have a death wish. Iraq? Afghanistan? And all that after having visited Israel? I suggest you do some basic reading first, starting with your local newspaper, then progress to this website. Modify your itinerary accordingly. Then ask more questions of people who have been there.
Happy reading, and try to modify your dreams.

ryanclark11 27 Nov 2003 13:58

Thoes countries are not a problem if you are careful, suprisingly not everone in thoes counties is walking round all day trying to kill people

Spud 27 Nov 2003 16:40

I second Werner on this one...! This is a joke right?

Your plan seems to be ok until you reach Jordon.. then you say ' saudi arabia kuwait iraq iran afghanistgan'. getting your bikes into Saudi Arabia will be interesting although I know it has been done in the past. Not sure about Kuwait but then going to Iraq? I think you may encounter some armed forces that may turn you around http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/wink.gif I hear there is some kind of activity going on there!!! Iran shouldn't be a problem but going from Iraq might be quite amausing! Then Afghanistan? mmmm so you didn't read about the poor biker who was killed the other week? I understand from people who work there that it is very much a country to be avoided at the moment. Pakistan should be ok..if you get there.

Anyway, up to you and will be quite interesting. Do make sure you make a video of this trip.. it will be quite amazing I'm sure!

One question though.. why would you want to go through warzones?

ryanclark11 27 Nov 2003 16:55

Thanks, that was a much more informative message than the one before. Why do it? I am ex millitary and it is a personal iterest of mine, its also something different. This trip will also now be 2005, hopfully everything will cool down a bit. As for Iraq, we were wondering about that ourselves, we are not planing on speding long but as we want to go into Kuwait a jump accros the bottom of Iraq is a short route. As for the biker who got killed, the places I have traveled thru so far have had far more tourists killed in them than Afganistan.

Spud 27 Nov 2003 17:24

Well the world changes quickly.. who knows by 2005 things may be better. I met some great people in Iran and would be very happy to go there again. Sometimes I had to pretend I was German though as I met a couple of people saying how bad Britan and the US was. Germany was great though apparently and you may notice the number of 'D' stickers on the backs of cars too. Afghanistan is certainly on my list of destinations but I shall wait a little while.

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