Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
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-   -   Lonely Planet Pakistan & the Karakoram Highway (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/lonely-planet-pakistan-karakoram-highway-83440)

icarus 8 Sep 2015 04:07

Lonely Planet Pakistan & the Karakoram Highway
Hi friends,

I'm preparing for a trip from Europe to Cambodia next year. Now it seems the book mentioned in the title isn't available any longer at the LP website. I would like to get the pdf version because I don't want to carry 10 printed Lonely Planets. Any idea where to buy/download the 2008 edition?

Thanks much.

Warin 8 Sep 2015 08:19

Legally - out of print books can be bought second hand (AbeBooks - Used Books, Rare Books, New Books & Textbooks is one to use) ... I don't known about out of supply? PDF books...

Books in your possession can be photographed by your digital camera .. they take a lot less space and weight a lot less when stored this way for your trip... and as you use it you can delete them to obtain more space for your photos.

motoreiter 8 Sep 2015 20:22

It's available on Amazon for $47 used or $167 new!
What a bargain.

icarus 8 Sep 2015 22:03


Originally Posted by Warin (Post 515363)
Legally - out of print books can be bought second hand (AbeBooks - Used Books, Rare Books, New Books & Textbooks is one to use) ... I don't known about out of supply? PDF books...

Books in your possession can be photographed by your digital camera .. they take a lot less space and weight a lot less when stored this way for your trip... and as you use it you can delete them to obtain more space for your photos.

Photographing all the LP's from all the countries I'm going through isn't doable. The new LP from India alone (16th edition) is 1248 pages! Even if you did this you would not have the search functionality that every eBook version offers.

I already purchased the LP eBook of Turkey, Iran and Nepal and I'm waiting for the new eBook of India to come available in ePub format (at the moment only available in pdf but ePub offers more functionality). Then I'm just missing Pakistan. There is still some time left so I hope to find the pdf version before I leave.

icarus 8 Sep 2015 22:14


Originally Posted by motoreiter (Post 515398)
It's available on Amazon for $47 used or $167 new!
What a bargain.

Speaking about bargains... there are even a few offered at $1.352! :eek3:

Ride Far 9 Sep 2015 22:19

I'll bet Lonely Planet Pakistan was never issued as a PDF. There are three paperbacks available at $7 USD on eBay and a bunch at $3.50 USD through Abe's.

Lonely Planet Pakistan by John King David St Vincent 0864421672 | eBay

icarus 9 Sep 2015 23:23

Thanks for the link but... this is the edition from 2004 and I'm looking at the latest edition which is from 2008. Not sure what Abe's is.

icarus 9 Sep 2015 23:28

Well, I found abebooks and they have indeed several but they are all older editions. I still hope there is a PDF version. Thanks for the help anyway. bier

motoreiter 10 Sep 2015 04:44

Have you seen this pdf version?

Pakistan & Karakoram Highway

Not sure about its legality, etc. but wanted to point it out.

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