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Mishy 9 Oct 2007 04:19

Lost before I've even started
Hi...I'm looking for some direction:helpsmilie: ... please...

I don't know where to start...but I'd like to plan a trip for 2008.

I'm a female from Perth, Australia and I'd like to ride around the world.

Of course, would prefer not to do this on my own for obvious reasons...

Can anyone point me in the right direction of where I can find some riders who are or would like to plan a trip that I can join...?

Any help would be greatly received.

I should mention that I've never done this before...but love bikes, the open road, camping...roughing it...and want to get started on a plan.

Cheerz, Mishy :thumbup1:

Dingo 9 Oct 2007 05:16

Oz first!

It's great that you want to do this but I do really think that you should first try a small trip around part of Australia first. I have ridden Australia 4 times and still think that it is one of the easiest places to ride. I could suggest to go North to Darwin and travel accross to Indonesia or Singapore from there. Or go to the east coast and go from there. You don't say where it is that you want to start from, ie; Africa, Asia or the Americas. I am in East Africa now riding south and will probably ship to either Asia or Australia, not sure yet? BTW I am originally from Oz but the other side, Cairns!

I have a friend in Tassie right now who has sent her bike to the US and has ridden to Mexico and up to Canada. She is home for a few months so I could put you in touch with her for some info if you like?

Send me a private message and I will give you her contacts.


Mishy 9 Oct 2007 06:12

Hi Dingo

Thanks for your reply. That would be great to get your friends email address...but the system won't allow me to send a private message for some reason...as I only have 1 post and need 8 posts...???

When I work this out I'll send you a message.

By the way I have some great memories of east africa. Enjoy the ride.


Flyingdoctor 9 Oct 2007 06:54

Good advice from Dingo, do a bit at home first. You'll find what things are essential to carry and what you never use. Read plenty of books like Chris Scott's adventure motorcycling handbook. Don't dismiss travelling alone out of hand, try it. You will interact with others much more and will get invited for meals and be offered free accomodation more often. I know there is the pester problem but most people you'll meet will be genuine and friendly and honest, just like you !

rhinoculips 26 Oct 2007 22:04

Traveling with other like minded people is fun, but traveling solo is a real adventure.

First, check out this site about a wonderful Austrian gal, Henriette(aka - Luna). I was lucky to run across her in Argentina, as I was finishing my solo trip though the Americas. She rode an Enfield from North America to South America...Solo She taught herself how to tear her bike apart and fix almost anything, being self reliant as possible. She had some really amazing experiences!


Traveling solo as a woman, I admit, is different than for a man, but don't let that stop you. Don't let what society tells us as fact. It is very easy to do it by yourself. Read her blog and see the experiences she had while traveling solo. Going alone, you will get a more in depth experience than while traveling with others. It forces you to interact more with the locals, and out of the safety bubble thats usually comes with traveling with others.

If you don't find anyone to start the trip with, its quite possible to meet others while on the road and ride with them for awhile. Then, when they want to go one direction and you another, its no big deal. Theres no commitment that you have to stay together. You wish them a safe ride and maybe run into you down the road. No hard feelings. I like this bit a lot. I like the freedom of going where I want, when I want and take as long as I want to get there.



ps - in case you didn't see it, there is a forum right here on HU for finding riding companions. Check it out.

DaveSmith 27 Oct 2007 06:11

Hi Mishy,

I circled Australia first as Round 1 of my rtw. I blew up my bike in New Zealand so there had to be a Round 2. I start again end of March 2008 in California. Head east until I'm back here. Ride across the US, fly me and my bike to the UK and haul ass to Italy for the Motogiro in mid-May. Then putter around Europe and North Africa until August so I can see the Isle of Man GP. Then start heading east again. Would like to ride through China and will go back to Oz after Southeast Asia. I can't find Little Creatures Pale Ale anywhere.

I assume that at some point I'll run out of money and there will be a Round 3. Or I'll find a job teaching English and have an extended stay somewhere.

I don't know if any of that fits into your plan, but there you go.


maximondo 27 Oct 2007 09:06

Im a single female leaving brisbane & heading off early next year (early jan.) bound for thailand loas, cambodia and hopefully (fingers crossed) vietnam. Then im flying to south korea, over to russia mongolia then russia again... heading for europe to work for a while.

If thing work out for you getting your self sorted with all the right gear we could think about traveling together?? let me know your thoughts...

amybaja 27 Oct 2007 10:48

Just go for it!
I was never ever into motorbikes until one day my boyfriend called me up from the UK after I left there 6 months prior and said " why don't you come along?" " Are you mad? I don't want to sit on the back of a motorbike across Africa!!" the he sais " I have a better idea, Why don't we get you a bike?" " What!! you are really are mad, I've never ridden a motorbike before let alone ride across Africa" So this was my predicament!

I had done no planning, no vaccinations, no gear, no bike.. nothing! So as daunting as it was, I quit my job and I flew back to the UK with 3 weeks to get everything sorted. I was very dubious about heading out even with another person so I understand how scary it can be. But it's half the adventure... we met so many more people on bikes than I thought.

I've never looked back, so I learnt how to ride and had the most amazing adventure of a lifetime from London to South Africa via West Africa. So girls, just get out there and do it. Beats sitting at home doing the same thing week after week. If you want to ask me anything about planning or anything else, just email me on

Ciao Amy

bruceontheloose 28 Oct 2007 07:40

I'm just down the road from you.. ok 400kms in Albany.
I'm in the process of organising my first overseas mcycle trip.
I'm puting my bike on a ship mid november heading for Buenos Aires from where I plan to meander my way up to Canada over the next 6 months... That's the plan anyhow.
I have done a quick trip across to tassie a few years back and a few weeks in New Zealand but that's really all I've done in terms of mcycle travelling so this is going to have a bit of a steep learning curve and out of my 'comfort zone' but, hey, that's why we do these things isn't it?

All the best for your planning..

bmbiker 28 Oct 2007 08:47

Hi Mishy

I will be riding through Perth in Early Jan heading to Melbourne.

We have been on a ride from UK to Oz , have a look at www.planitearth.co.uk - UK to Australia 2007 - Home Page Happy to meet up for a coffee and run you through our experiances. We should be in Perth for about 4 days before setting off on the last leg to my hometown of Melbourne.

You could also have a look at the bikes to give you an idea of setup



Frank Warner 29 Oct 2007 04:14

You could get yer self a bike .. and ride across to the HU OZ meeting late Feb in Tintaldra .. Victoria/NSW near the coast. There will be lots of people to talk to .. bikes/tents/cooking gear etc to see .. all/mostly personal stuff ... See on the left - Meetings .. then look down the page for 2008 Australia..

Another idea is to join a community - Perth should have one .. and organise a minimeeting .. Travellers passing through can contact teh comunity for help and just a meeting .. and you can give them accomodation in return for stories .. ideas etc .. Again on teh left .. a fair way down .. Communities ..

Chris D (Newcastle NSW) 18 Nov 2007 11:47

Overland planning

There is a small group of Aussie overlanders planning for Russia to Europe in 2009, have a look here

Members Trips & Gatherings @ ExplorOz

If you would like to see some of our preliminary planning guff let me know. This could be of assitance in your planning. Send a note to ann_chris at bigpond.com

We will also be going to HU meeting in Tintaldra, Feb 2008.


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