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normw 17 Jan 2006 07:07

Mexican route advice sought
Three of us are heading for Mexico from Vancouver B.C. come March with a plan to descend Baja and then cross by ferry to Mazatlan. From there we'll head generally back north into the U.S. but the only specific destination we have in mind so far is Creel and the Copper Canyon.

We're hoping for route advice or suggestions for the northerly trip back through the Mexican mainland. Stick to the coast or head inland? Any particularly memorable roads, towns, places to stop? We'll be on two dual purpose machines and a street bike which is willing to tackle dirt and gravel roads.

Thanks amigos.

03 Kawasaki ZR7s
83 Honda CX650 Turbo

garrydymond 17 Jan 2006 20:15

You should take the road called "Espinazo del Diablo" the Devil's Backbone. This road is between Mazatlan and Creel and you should be able to find it easily. I have never ridden it but have heard it's really great. Good luck and have a great trip

AndyT 18 Jan 2006 06:49

I second garrydymond's suggestion to take El Espinoza del Diablo from Mazatlan to Durango. I don't know how much time you have, but if you can, try going southeast from Durango to Zacatecas, an old Spanish colonial city. The downtown looks like it should be in Europe. I don't know how to make a good loop, but back north to Hidalgo del Parral. From there to Creel is beautiful twisty mountain road. Lots to do near Creel, the road to Batopilas in the bottom of the canyon is much improved, no problem for street bikes in decent weather. North to hwy 16, then west for more mountain fun. Have a great trip.

garrydymond 18 Jan 2006 17:08

A lot of agreeing here but I also agree with Andy. The road from Parral to Creel is one of the best roads I have ridden anywhere. The views are spectacular if you can control yourself enough to slow down and see them.
If you go to Zacatecas get in touch with

Federico through the Zacatecas community. He has a Hostal there with safe parking.

Big Mack 19 Jan 2006 03:36

Hi Norm; I hate to be so agreeable,but all the talk about the devils backbone is spot on. It is on the obvious route from Mazatlan to Durango,sorry can't remember route nos. Also the route from Hidalgo del Parral to Creel in the Copper Canyon area is lovely. If your into challenging roads,try going to Batopilas. Wife and I went down two up on the old KLR. Street bikes should be ok if the rain holds off.I have to emphasize, the canyons are spellbinding!!!Shoot me an e-mail if you want more specifics. Neil W. ps, I'm not claiming expertise. I can only tell what I saw and did,and how I felt. Cheers

normw 25 Jan 2006 06:31

Thanks to all for your advice.


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