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-   -   Mexico to Guatemala crossings (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/mexico-to-guatemala-crossings-30711)

TerraXpeditions 2 Dec 2007 15:42


Originally Posted by Lone Rider (Post 161616)
What are riding/driving and why do you want obscure crossings?

I will be on a lightly loaded XR650L. For example.. I did like 80 miles of ATV trails in rocky sandy muddy terrain yesterday...

I am trying to avoid the Pan American HWY as much as I can.... just taking the off the beaten path approach.... and I'm a bit of an adventure junky.

Not drug running or anything... lol.

Lone Rider 2 Dec 2007 16:13


Originally Posted by TerraXpeditions (Post 161678)
I will be on a lightly loaded XR650L. For example.. I did like 80 miles of ATV trails in rocky sandy muddy terrain yesterday...

I am trying to avoid the Pan American HWY as much as I can.... just taking the off the beaten path approach.... and I'm a bit of an adventure junky.

Not drug running or anything... lol.


La Palma, water
El Ceibo, muddy track
Frontera Corozal, water
Benemerito de las Americas, water
Flor de Cacao, water
Orizaba, road

Las Playitas, water
Gracias a Dios, road

I'm sure there are others.

TerraXpeditions 2 Dec 2007 17:16

Cool. I found Frontera Corozal on Google Earth.

Looks like a winner


Originally Posted by Lone Rider (Post 161683)

La Palma, water
El Ceibo, muddy track
Frontera Corozal, water
Benemerito de las Americas, water
Flor de Cacao, water
Orizaba, road

Las Playitas, water
Gracias a Dios, road

I'm sure there are others.

Lone Rider 2 Dec 2007 17:32


Originally Posted by TerraXpeditions (Post 161691)
Looks like a winner

IIRC, rooms are about $25.
The town/co-operative is dry (no booze allowed), but a taxi driver there sells Modelo. Just ask.
A lancha will cost about $40 for you and your moto. Then you can pay something for help loading and unloading. It's about 40 min upriver to Bethel. IIRC, Mike had them just take him across the river for less money, then riding the trail.
Now you're back at the begining of this thread: Bethel and onward.

Sjoerd Bakker 5 Dec 2007 18:12

obscure border crossings Mexico to GT
Expanding a bit on the list provided by Lone Rider . : the Orizaba he indicates is village of Nuevo Orizaba on Mex 307,km 265 marker, about 10km west of where that highway makes its sharp bend from the north to the west parallel to the GT border. , gravel roads connect to Coban, no customs facility at border village of Ingenieros,GT
Add another crossing at the south end of village of Tziscau on the lake of same name in the Lagos de Montebello zone of Mex 307. No customs , just a policeman sometime. Dirt road connects to road system which connects to Nenton ,GT and thence to Huehuetenango.
Add crossing that has access to Mex 307 just west of Chinkultic, Chiapas . This crossing has minor customs attendant sometimes, gravel connect to same road system a s from Tziscau which is only about 30 km away.
In Frontera Corosal this past March'07 the nice Hospedaje Tsolkin rented out a nice clean room, fan, mosquito netted bed , shared sanitary facilities for only $8, nice restaurant.
Room with private bath $17 at Tsolkin.At fancier tourist Hotel Escudo Jaguar rooms start at $38.
For the "mud road from hell" check out my post of 14 Feb 2006 ( /hubb/route-planning/mexican-border-crossings-guatemala-near-2271 ) and (/hubb/south-and-central-america-mexico/mexico-guatemala-via-rio-san )
This past March '07 I did a similar bit of research on the road into GT fro m the end of mex 221 south of Candelaria, Campeche. From end of Mex 221 it is another 15km pavement to hamlet of El Ramonal and a dirt crossing into GT, then into the Peten mud and water lands of the lLaguna del TigreNational Park and the Maya Biosphere Reserve .The area is not at all well appointed with roads or tracks, you would have a really hard slog to get anywhere

Lone Rider 5 Dec 2007 18:30


Originally Posted by Sjoerd Bakker (Post 162142)
Add another crossing at the south end of village of Tziscau on the lake of same name in the Lagos de Montebello zone of Mex 307. No customs , just a policeman sometime. Dirt road connects to road system which connects to Nenton ,GT and thence to Huehuetenango.
Add crossing that has access to Mex 307 just west of Chinkultic, Chiapas . This crossing has minor customs attendant sometimes, gravel connect to same road system a s from Tziscau which is only about 30 km away.......

Is this by Finca Quetzal just inside GT?

Sjoerd Bakker 5 Dec 2007 22:37

GT-MEX border
Sorry Lone , I didn't take a note of the name of the GT village, I just rode in for a number of km . The road was a recently completed buldozered thing and after a while I turned back to Mexico. T

The road crosses the border at the south end of Lago Tziscau a km south of the village center .Take either the road south straight down thru town off Mex 307 or the road loop by the town hall hill and soccer field which goes past Hotel Tziscau and Campground, and then along the lakeside to its south end.

Lone Rider 5 Dec 2007 23:01


Originally Posted by Sjoerd Bakker (Post 162199)
Sorry Lone , I didn't take a note of the name of the GT village, I just rode in for a number of km . The road was a recently completed buldozered thing and after a while I turned back to Mexico. T

The road crosses the border at the south end of Lago Tziscau a km south of the village center .Take either the road south straight down thru town off Mex 307 or the road loop by the town hall hill and soccer field which goes past Hotel Tziscau and Campground, and then along the lakeside to its south end.

Very cool.
Was there a sign like at Orizaba on the Mex side? I didn't see one on 307, but could've missed it. Did you find it by just bumping around? When was this?

I love this kinda stuff...:)

Note: The Orizaba/Ingeniero road takes you to Playa Grande, and from there you can go in several directions.

Sjoerd Bakker 6 Dec 2007 13:04

Mex-GT crossings
From Mex 307 there is just a gravel road south in the village center and a small sign pointing to "Frontera ". I knew the border was nearby so I just had to explore. This was done on 29 March 2007. I wa s in no hurry having spent the night in vilage of San Juan Chamula at the only hospedaje there, basic room $5 , bike parked inside downstairs, taco restaurant on the highway for supper. Next morning rode down 307 with nary a worry , found breakfast at 11 am

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