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-   -   mexico to panama best route ??? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/mexico-to-panama-best-route-67044)

pemi44 29 Oct 2012 00:45

mexico to panama best route ???
i will be leaving texas heading to panama looking for advice on nice routes very open to idears thanks

AnjinSan 9 Nov 2012 01:08

That depends very much on what you want to see. I am not an expert in Mexico and Central America but we've just crossed Mexico a few weeks ago. We found that Barranca del Cobre, Durango-Mazatlan road, all the sea sides, and then Oaxaca, San Cristobal and Palenque regions.
Good luck

sellheim 11 Nov 2012 14:13

Its good to plan also what you want to see and intersect those on your route.

Ive been twice through Mexcico and once through central america, my favourite sites were the Pre-hispanic sites of Palenque, Yaxchilan in Chiapis, Monte Alban in Oaxaca, Tulum and Calakmal in the Yucutan Penninsula.

In Oaxaca there are some great rides through the state, especially up around where the old jesuit churches were (check the lonely planet where they are).

If you dont mind the heat, its pretty scenic through the Chihuahua desert from Juarez down to Torreon.

In the Gulf, the Olmec park and zoo in Villahermosa. Veracruz is a cool town too. Theres a cool ride through the mountains is from cuidad del maiz to cuidad valles, you basically change from high desert straight into tropical forests.

Yucutan Peninnsula, a jungle ride from Conhuas down to Calakmul was awesome.

Belize: I liked down towards the Maya Mountains towards Placencia

Honduras: Tegucigalpa to Las Manos is a nice mountain ride

Costa Rica: San Jose to Sixaola was a nice ride in the cloud forests and coastal tropics

Panama: road from El Lianoto Yaviza in the Darien was lots of fun

have fun planning

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