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arkiboys 12 Jan 2009 15:09

Michelin map of France
Do you know when this map gets updated?
I just purchased the 2008 edition for my holiday in July 2009.
Thinking may be I should return it and wait for the 2009 edition before we travel.

kyrnos 27 Jan 2009 21:02


No worries with updated maps in France !! There aren't many changes from one year to another (except new motorways and roudabout !!) If you plan to drive and avoid motorways there's a few scenic byaways I can recommand If you're interested


PS : I lived in the Loire Valley famous for it's castle and wine !!

See you

arkiboys 27 Jan 2009 21:48

I just purchased a sat nav and will get the Michelin 2009 soon.
I have kind of planned the route.
Just hope the sat nav can direct us to the right route.
Thank you

XRM 28 Jan 2009 10:40

If you have planned the route and want to stick to it, load it into the satnav, as depending on how you set up the satnav the route will vary. I've been on some very strange roads in France simply by following a satnav blindly when we were just wandering about.

backofbeyond 28 Jan 2009 14:39

I'm not sure what sat nav you have but my 2yr old TomTom system is pretty good in France in that it has most of the roads in the maps and if you want to go from A to B it will get you there.

My biggest annoyance with it though is how it gets you there. When you plot a route there are a number of options such as quickest route, shortest route etc. Quickest usually involves directing you to the nearest motorway whilst shortest will be the shortest option even if it involves going through farmyards, gardens etc and it'll ignore the almost as short route using main roads that takes half the time but isn't as quick as the motorway.

You can tell it to ignore motorways and go via here and there if you've got enough spare time but certainly you do need to be careful in following it blindly.

I really wouldn't worry about getting the 2009 maps. I'm still using the 2002 Michelin and almost nothing has changed - except stuff like speed cameras. Download satnav POI's for just about anything you might need - speed camera positions, hotels chains, campsites, McDonalds (if you're into that sort of thing).

arkiboys 28 Jan 2009 16:54

Just bought the Garmin 250 online.
I guess I will have to depend on it quite alot.
Will try to learn how and where to download up to date information from.
I will also buy the michelin 2009 soon.
Many thanks

arkiboys 28 Jan 2009 17:28

Now that I have bought a Sat. Nav., I can NOT decide on which michelin map I need to buy for my drive through France and Switzerland.
May be one of these two for France?
Michelin Maps and Guides
Michelin Maps and Guides

What do you think?

backofbeyond 28 Jan 2009 18:56

The road atlas is what we've got. With that plus the sat nav and French road signs you really can't get lost.

arkiboys 28 Jan 2009 20:51


Originally Posted by backofbeyond (Post 225789)
The road atlas is what we've got. With that plus the sat nav and French road signs you really can't get lost.

Will I get the french road signs in the atlas book?
And, what do you recommmend for switzerland?

backofbeyond 29 Jan 2009 08:57

French road signs are pretty easy to follow. Decide from the road atlas where you want to go, tell the sat nav and look out for signs like these:

Blue for the motorways / autoroutes, green for the ordinary roads / RNs

As you have to pay for the autoroutes in France it's in the sign providers interest to direct you to them and it can be tricky at times to find your way out of some towns by ordinary road. That's where your sat nav will earn its money.

I wouldn't worry about Switzerland at this point. By the time you get there you'll have got the hang of things.

arkiboys 29 Jan 2009 09:11

The Michelin road atlas France 2008 says Motoring and Touring on the front cover.
In the 2009 edition it does not say that. Instead it says petrol stations, etc...
Are these two the same?

backofbeyond 29 Jan 2009 13:22

I've no idea unfortunately. I've only got the 2002 version and it says Tourist and Motoring Atlas on the front of that.

arkiboys 29 Jan 2009 13:45

I will check it out.
Thank you

Alexlebrit 29 Jan 2009 15:47

If you've got the 2008 already you'll be fine with it, no need to get the 2009 edition, the towns will all be in the same places anyway, and if you're using your satnav you'll be relying on what it thinks are the roads, and who knows when it's mapping was last created, and on which map it was based?

If you'd like to know where the speed cameras are you can go to ViaMichelin: Maps, route planner, route finder, UK maps, European maps, hotel booking, travel guides and you should find a list there of the latest. Mind you they're mostly signposted well in advance with a huge clear pictogramme, so not too hard to spot.

In fact if you go to ViaMichelin: Maps, route planner, route finder, UK maps, European maps, hotel booking, travel guides not only can you find the speed cameras, but you can also use it to plot your routes (the maps will look just the same as in your Michelin road atlas, and then once you've got it to plot the route you like (you might have to do this in stages a bit, you can generate a file to export to your Garmin sat nav, by simply clicking where it says "GPS"


Clever, hey?

arkiboys 29 Jan 2009 19:00

I will try it.
Thank you

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