Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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davidmc 26 Aug 2003 02:45

Monsoon vs. Heat in Asia
I am currently planning a motorbike trip across Asia with the Karakoram Highway and Northern India mountain areas driving my itinerary. This would mean riding through India and S.E. Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia) either during the hot spring or the monsoon season during the summer depending on which direction I decide to ride.

Which is more preferable to ride, the hot season or the monsoon? Does it rain all day during the monsoon in India and S.E. Asia, or just sporadic bursts throughout the day? In other words, how much riding per day could one do during the monsoon, when its not pouring rain? Could a traveler still get a good 6-8 hours of riding in per day?

Thanks for all the help!


Werner 27 Aug 2003 02:28

Hi Dave,
Last year I rode from London, England to Singapore from July 1 to 15 September, then around Australia, including Top of Cape York, in October. Got a good 10 hours of riding each day I wanted to. In India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Malysia it rained usually at 15.00, but only in short bursts, and not every day. In Australia only near Perth during the first week.
Since all the main roads are paved, riding is unproblematic. Watch out for giant droppings from holy cows and water buffaloes, and beware of homicidal truck drivers. Otherwise you should be OK. In Muslim countries pray to Almight Allah. This may help. But don't count on it.

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