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Kevinb99 27 Feb 2006 12:02

Most easterly point in Europe?
Hi everyone.
I'm on this sort of mission to reach the four points of the compass in Europe.
West - Dingle, Kerry Ireland. (easy in a day)
South - Tarifa Spain.was there last year.
North - NordKapp, Norway. Next year.
East - ???.wwhats the concensous people?
Word is the most easterly town in europe should be in the Ural foothills Somewhere.
Any clues????????

seanh 27 Feb 2006 13:30

Geologically speaking, the divide between Europe and Asia is an old suture zone where the two continents collided and became fused. It is therefore poorly defined, being ultimately decided by subsurface geology.
According to Wikipedia-
"Europe's boundary to the east is vague, but has traditionally been given as the watershed for the Ural Mountains"
And according to this article-
the eastern most point would be on the Emba River or in the Mugodzhar Hills of Kazakhstan.
Having ridden pretty close to this point, i can tell you that it's not very spectacular, and you would be hard put to notice any hills or rivers. The easternmost point would probably be out on the steppe somewhere and quite difficult to get to without a dirt bike and a GPS.

seanh 27 Feb 2006 13:36

Aktobe (Aktubinsk) would be a town close to this point, or else Vorkuta in the north of Russia near the Barents Sea.

AnteK 27 Feb 2006 17:31


Originally posted by Kevinb99:
Hi everyone.
North - NordKapp, Norway.

No, no, Nordkapp is not the northernmost point of Europe - that title belongs to small peninsula Knivskjeloden, several kms west from Nordkapp.
AnteK, XTZ 660

Kevinb99 2 Mar 2006 16:22

Thanks everyone, looks like there's no real concencous.Michelin website is telling me its in Finland,Vartsila.
maybe I just have to go to them all to be sure!!!!
Happy biking, and thanks again.
"Crashings just proof that your trying"

Jake 2 Mar 2006 18:25

kevinbb, just to confuse you some more the most northerly point in mainland europe is infact on the Nordkinn penninsular at 71.08 N this is mainland not a small offshore Island like Nordkapp.
Nordcap lies at 70-10-21N and Knivskjellodden 47 mins of a degree further north.
So if your trip is about going to the extreme points you may want to know this - Its really not that important in the greater scheme of things. Oh by the way if your going to the Nordkinn point take some canny boots as its only accessible by walking I cant remember exactly but 22 kms each way rings a bell!

[This message has been edited by adventure950 (edited 02 March 2006).]

Cordeirus 28 Sep 2006 18:16

Most western point in Europe
Hi all

I was looking for information about Med Tours when I look into "European Cardinal Points Tours."
I know that the most western point in Europe is in one of Azores islands. However, the most western point in European continent is Cabo da Roca, Sintra, in Portugal, 25 kms far from my house.
Reed about it.

Evey sunday motorbikers joint there.

Curiously, the most southern Tarifa and western Cabo da Roca are 600 kms far.

Portuguese travellers who went to Russia and Ukrania say that is needed more extra money to pay lots of traffic tickets ...

However, I would like to travel Europe west to east one of this days.


Momirj 14 Oct 2006 22:22

my take would be Ekaterinburg on Ural, Russia
Glad to hear that I’m not the only one with such ideas (reaching cardinal points of Europe, the Old Lady as it is called amongst continents).
So, I already did three of them (at least what was my perception of this, rather vague institution of W/E/S/N-most point) and guess what I’m missing the East :-)
Here is my take:

West - Cabo da Roca, Sintra, in Portugal (great place, great country to ride, in one work beautifull) – Done in 2002
South – for me it was Rock of Gibraltar (got very close but due to visa problems I could not get to UK territory) - Done in 2002
North - NordKapp, Norway. Although I agree with AnteK (Knivskjeloden)….but you can’t ride there. And, please building complex like the one on NordKapp in such environment deserves some credit – Done in 2005 (absolutely magnificent ride, Norway is so great, that I did not want to take any pictures as it would be only 10% of what human eye can perceive)

East – my take would be Ekaterinburg on Ural, Russia. Of nothing else there is a demarcation line on the street stating Europe on one and Asia on the other side.

Getting there should not be a big deal, nor (according to many) it would be as half as fun as any of three other points (especially in my style. I ride alone. Budapest – NordKapp – Budapest on the way North all over the Eastern Europe and Finland, on a way south Norway, Denmark, Germany… 8.500 km in 12 days).

So, one day I’ll do it just to complete the mission but without high expectations….


BruceP 15 Oct 2006 12:17


Originally Posted by Kevinb99
Hi everyone.
I'm on this sort of mission to reach the four points of the compass in Europe.
West - Dingle, Kerry Ireland. (easy in a day)
South - Tarifa Spain.was there last year.
North - NordKapp, Norway. Next year.
East - ???.wwhats the concensous people?
Word is the most easterly town in europe should be in the Ural foothills Somewhere.
Any clues????????

As someone else has mentioned, the NordKapp is not the most northerly point, it is the most northerly point reachable by road :-)

You can see the most northerly point while standing on the NodKapp, and IIRC it is a 12Km walk from the road.

Simon Kennedy 16 Oct 2006 10:25

Don't forget the TOMs
Just to spice this up a bit...

If you listen to the French, then their overseas territories are part of Europe. Unlike, say, the British colonial outposts, these are directly integrated into the host state, sending MPs to parliament and run from the capital.

Off the top of my head, I would make the most westerly, Wallis et Fortuna (kinda due west off Colombia in the Pacific) and the most easterly, somewhere in Nouvelle Calédonia off the north east coast of Australia. Réunion might put in a claim for the most souterly too.

So that might just extend your trip a bit mate. At least you don't need a carnet.


AliBaba 24 Oct 2006 07:23

For most western points I would say Iceland (Bjargtangar?, a lighthouse). If you are keen on the continental plates it would be somewhere around Myvatn.

On the other hand, South Spania is as far as I know on the African plate.

Kevinb99 4 Nov 2006 17:48

Well I certianly enjoyed reading the replys folks.
It seems there isn't really a concensus, or I I'm just going to have to satify myself.
I realised that Some of the points are contentious but I'll decide and get to them.
Many thanks guys and lets keep up to date with progress.
Now, off to the ferries sites! LOL
Safe riding all

Joe C90 4 Nov 2006 23:51

what about the central point?

wonky 5 Nov 2006 01:42


Originally Posted by Joe C90

Where god lives.............
Watch out for the skiptonite!

Yuri 6 Nov 2006 04:01

Most Southern
Well it seems that the most southern point in Europe is an island called Gavdos which is south of Crete in Greece. I was there some years back and I can tell you it’s a lovely place. On the most southern tip of the island someone has built a wooden chair in a scale of about 4:1 which symbolizes the chair that the king use to seat and gaze at Libya. It is built on top of some rocks and has a nice view.
Be aware: there is no petrol available on the island.

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