Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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ultspnch 30 Oct 2003 12:56

Motorcycle OWNING in Myanmar....
OK, so it is decided you cant ride IN from Thailand or similar.

What about if you live there on a 1 yr. work permit, does anyone know what bikes are on the ground there for sale? I suspect small ones, max 150cc or so...but from where? China? Thailand? Malaysia? Used or new?
CAN an expat resident buy a bike legally?

I have been offered a job in Yangon...but of course I CANT GO if I cant get a bike!

Thanks for any help...

Ron Grant in Brisbane

Cameron 2 Nov 2003 05:15

Hi Ron, When we were briefly in Myanmar last year at Myawadi there was a beat up, but servicable mid 1970's BSA (500/650???) parked outside a restaurant. I asked about the bike but the owner was not around. Bystanders said that it could be for sale but I have no idea of the legality of foreign ownership. I will be in northern Thailand next week and will try to find out more info on riding in Myanmar...
Cheers, Cameron


ultspnch 5 Nov 2003 03:12

Thanks Cameron, I am more interested in what are the COMMON bikes there, i expect smal ones 150cc or less, from Thailand? malaysia? India?

Sorry, but I would not want to have to own a BSA if I was in the UK, much less 10000 miles from 'home.'

Any ideas mostwelcome

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