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jim 30 Nov 2003 23:09

Mozambique river crossing...
Hello all,

Ive been away from computer-world for a bit, but back now with a new problem to solve...

I leave this coming April on a long awaited CApe to Cairo trip, looking at a Michelin Map recently I noticed the Northern Border between Moz and Tanzania is ominously marked something like"crossing by dugout canoe only". I plan to take this route. Can anyone (Bikerguy are you there??) tell me wheather this crossing can be made by motorcycle? I ve crossed rivers before with my bike, but the boat was more of a wide rowing type than a dugout.... Im riding a fairly heavy XT600.

Any intelligent ideas and info will be hugely appreciated as always.
Thanks ,

AliBaba 1 Dec 2003 00:05


This info is from 2001-2002. I didn’t go to north Mozambique but through the Tete-corridor to Malawi and then to Tanzania. Back then there was plans to start a ferry-connection but no-one knew for sure if it had started yet.
There was a Canadian guy crossing the river in 2001 wit a beach-buggy so it must be possible. With a bike it should be lot easier and maybe there is a ferry-service now, at least you will find a boat big enough for you XT.

Go for it!


jim 2 Dec 2003 20:49

Hey man,

Thanks for the info, Ill give it a bash...

gozell 2 Dec 2003 22:46


I know of some travellers crossing that border with a landcruiser, not to worry apparently there is a proper ferry nowadays run by a belgian chap.

Drop me an email and will bring you in touch with them for more details.


RichLees 3 Dec 2003 02:14

easy peasy. there's a 10 tonne ferry. well, I expect the ferry weighs more than that, but the weight limit is 10 tonnes so even a lardy old tenere should be OK. due to the ferries draught/draft/whatever it goes at highish water so get the tide times if punctuality matters to you. actually, if punctuality matters to you, its best to go somewhere else! ;-)
I put my bike in a dhow and sailed across: nice way to spend the afternoon. http://community.webshots.com/photo/...93927047YnuBZF
the soft sand to the north and south makes this a bit hairy on bike, but easy for 4WD. the road from Dar to Mtwara is a shocker with deep bulldust for 10km and sand/dust elsewhere. as the Michelin says - its impractical in the rainy season so make sure you're not there Jan-April.

I'm still wondering if the Ozzie loony on a GPz750 made it. he said he had plenty of power so I don't think he'd really cottoned on to riding sports bike in sand and bulldust, but I digress ...

[This message has been edited by RichLees (edited 02 December 2003).]

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