Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Mumbai to London... which route? HELP? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/mumbai-to-london-route-help-78959)

Jill Back 30 Oct 2014 22:26

Mumbai to London... which route? HELP?
Hi there! Last year we drove from London along the Silk Route to Shenzhen.4 months 28000kms. Just the most best thing we have ever done!!

Now we would like to try and drive from Northern India (5-6wks)to Nepal(10days), Tibert/China (2 wks), back through Kryrg, Uzbek, Turkmen, Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and back to London in a total of +/- 4.5 months. we are finding it extremely challenging making the timing and weather work for us. To miss the heat in India and snow in the high mountains. Are we asking too much? has anyone done this? Any advice would be simply wonderful of how to make the itinerary and weather work
this is my first time on the forum and very grateful for the opportunity! -

andymaxman 31 Oct 2014 02:39


Originally Posted by Jill Back (Post 484659)

Hi there! Last year we drove from London along the Silk Route to Shenzhen.4 months 28000kms. Just the most best thing we have ever done!!
This is fantastic. Is it recorded and blogged any where Jill? Would love to read the experience.

Now we would like to try and drive from Northern India (5-6wks)to Nepal(10days), Tibert/China (2 wks), back through Kryrg, Uzbek, Turkmen, Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and back to London in a total of +/- 4.5 months. we are finding it extremely challenging making the timing and weather work for us. To miss the heat in India and snow in the high mountains. Are we asking too much? has anyone done this? Any advice would be simply wonderful of how to make the itinerary and weather work
this is my first time on the forum and very grateful for the opportunity! -

Hey Jill,
Replied to your weather query here.
But in general in the Tibet and China, Kyrgyz side, entering in March or prior from India side is difficult - both for weather and permit reasons.
The sweet spot to enjoy the best weather might by June-July, though you would want to check on the monsoons for north-east India around then. July is onset for Monsoons in South India (where am from).

To share, we are doing the exact same route starting from South India into Nepal, Tibet, China, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Turk, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey into Europe this April 2015. We will be driving into Nepal end of 2nd week in April '15.

Let me know if it fits your dates and if you would like to share guide to save costs for crossing China.

andymaxman 31 Oct 2014 02:42

quick caveat -
when i started out on forums here i kept wondering why i was not being notified for the response to my threads. seems like a bug or something.

there is a way to work around it if it happens to you -
any thread you create - just subscribe to it.


Jill Back 31 Oct 2014 16:13

India to London
thanks so much for your reply!! this sounds really interesting- amazing how similar our routes sound. we are in the process of working out what is possible time wise and work wise here.currently looking at many options. That being said we would like to be into Tibet as early in April as possible. the people we are working with are suggesting they can only get permission process started on 1/4 and likely to get paperwork fro Tibet by 25/4. I tried to private message you but not allowed to do so until i have posted enough posts. Perhaps you would like to PM me and i can send you our blog from past trip. we came through the countries you are looking at driving through now. and we may well do the same again..... except we went Turkey Iran Turk, Uzb, Kyr, China.
Not sure if allowed to put email address on this site .... very happy to be in touch if we can help as well. we obtained a Carnet for Iran last time. are biking or driving a vehicle:)?
Thanks for the tip re Thread !!

andymaxman 3 Nov 2014 11:35

Hey Jill,
I received your message and written back to you.
Do reply back with your blog details.

andymaxman 3 Nov 2014 12:16

We are driving. :)

Kayjay 25 Dec 2014 16:45

Hi Jill
Last year I drove from India to London on my 350 Enfield. June best time to leave India.

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