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-   -   Myanmar (Burma) to Bangladesh or India ? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/myanmar-burma-to-bangladesh-india-26022)

KevOK 7 Mar 2007 06:48

Myanmar (Burma) to Bangladesh or India ?
Hi there,
anyone know if it's possible to go from Myanmar (Burma) to Bangladesh or India overland on a bike or any other routes from south east asia to India without flying?
Thanks for your help all.:thumbup1:

Lone Rider 7 Mar 2007 14:04


Caminando 7 Mar 2007 14:17

[QUOTE=KevOK;128998]Hi there,
anyone know if it's possible to go from Myanmar (Burma) to Bangladesh or India overland on a bike or any other routes from south east asia to India without flying?

Amnesty International and Ang Sang Su Shi have asked tourists not to visit Myanmar to avoid support for the hideous military junta which controls that country.

beddhist 7 Mar 2007 20:38

You can ride through China with a guide and minder, if you organise it through an agency 3 months in advance. Check the relevant topics here.

Good luck!

mmaarten 15 Mar 2007 13:55

Try this.

You could try this Email-adress. it is old, but a while ago this lady, who works for MTT (Myanmar Tourist and Travel service), told me she could arange it.
But it will probably cost...
Let us know what comes out of it.


Polly 19 Mar 2007 05:12


Originally Posted by beddhist (Post 129069)
You can ride through China with a guide and minder, if you organise it through an agency 3 months in advance. Check the relevant topics here.

Good luck!

Anybody experienced traveling on his own bike trough China( and Tibet)?
Any sugestions for a good travel agency?

Osama Radzi 27 Aug 2007 09:46

Hey there!
Im a Malaysian biker & glad to help u mate!
Ive done some travelling my self but mostly backpacking! Love to travel on my dommie but just cant afford it. Where do u want to ship the bike to? (frm sydney)
Singapore, Johore, Port Klang(Kuala Lumpur) Penang?
Maybe we can ride together in malaysia.
As far as i know u cant enter burma via thailand. u may visit the border via thai but transit is not allowed! (i'll find out for u) the burma embassy is just around the corner! Plans have been made to open border burma-bangladesh but I dont think its open yet. But From Bangladesh its all ok all the way to UK!
What you can do is go to cambodia; laos via thai & china (not sure how but most bikers manage to it) Once in China u can use the koarakoram highway to pakistan. from there u can go India, then again pakistan, Iran, Turkey & youre already in europe! or head south after iran to the mediteranean & africa, and then back to europe via any northern afican countries!
I have to go now I'll catch up with u tomorrow!

pecha72 27 Aug 2007 10:22

"What you can do is go to cambodia; laos via thai & china (not sure how but most bikers manage to it) Once in China u can use the koarakoram highway to pakistan. from there u can go India, then again pakistan, Iran, Turkey & youre already in europe"

You sure make it sound easy! Getting into China could be possible, but very expensive, and require months of pre-planning. Getting into Tibet might be another big problem (but if your wanting to go to the Karakoram Highway, maybe you´ll take a detour north). Ive heard of motorists "sneaking" into China from Kazakhstan or other western borders, but never from Laos. Only one guy did it, but he was on a chinese-registered bike.

You can go to Thailand, Cambodia and Laos, but other countries in that region, like Myanmar and Vietnam, seem to be almost impossible to go with your own bike, if I were you I wouldnt bang my head against the wall, but plan to freight from Thailand to India or Nepal, that route seems to be used quite a lot, and maybe that is because its the only realistic one? If there was a realistic alternative, you could probably read about it from here and other places as well. If you insist doing it overland, then China could be the answer, but prepare well. Myanmar, just forget it, cant get there.

When a government does not want bikers to roam free in their country, and you do not even have any common language with the authorities / border guards, its really a hard combination.

Osama Radzi 27 Aug 2007 11:04

:( Sorry Pekka,
I did sound like it was easy! Its only a route suggestion. Didnt say its easy. Anyway agree with u on Myanmar & Vietnam. Maybe try shipping it straight to India is good idea but its just that sometimes I(we) just want to do it as many overland as possible, im sure u guys know what i mean! Its really would be nice if the BKK-Kunming railroad project is realised! Or maybe consider shipping the bike to Chittagong (Bangladesh) so that u get do more overland, plus its one-way Bangladesh-India-Pakistan-Ireland bound. But u have to be really extra carefull dealing with these countries shipping & etc
& Kev,:thumbup1:
my Boss is Irish & my workplace is in the same building as the Irish Embassy! The bangladesh embassy is also around the corner (every embassy is)
Thats how small kuala lumpur is! I also have a friand who own's a Backpacker right in the heart of the City!

Tybalt 13 Sep 2007 09:07

I dont know much about riding a bike in Myanmar, but I have spent some time there, and thought that I would just give a bit of what I know about it.

I found it to be one of the richest countries I have ever been to as far as having true, genuine kind hearted people. Seriously the nicest people I have met in the world. It is a very poor country, and as was mentioned earlier, sufferes from a very corrupt government, but the people! So good and kind!

I went to bagan (a must! its like a temple paradise!) Yangon, and Bago. I met people who had not seen a white person before (I did some trekking out around bago and up towards the golden rock)! I would HIGHLY recommend you going there.

One thing as noted earlier, you dont want to give money to the government. Make sure you stay with the people, support locals, not 5 star hotels (even though you can get like the nicest room in the county for something like 75 bucks a night). Most temples and monestaries will let you stay and sleep for free. Even eat!

I found that there was kinda a clear way that you should go and shouldnt go as far as what the government wants. I did some hitch hiking and saw some military brutality, but if you stick to the main roads, you wont see anything like that.

One intresting thing, is it really is where cars go to die. I saw them stiched together with chicken wire and ducktape. Im sure if you have a nice bike, you will be very popular everyhere you go. Bring toys or small gifts for people. It is VERY illegal for you to give them foreign money. Oh and alway get your money exchanged on the black market. the offical exchange rate is like 400 kyat (''Chat'') to a dollar, but if you bring crisp (really, they must be crisp and new) bills (bigger the better exchange rate) you can get around 1300! Also there are no ATMs or good ways to get money out so bring it with you.

Hope that helps! I wish I could go with you. Myanmar is probably one of my most favorite places in the world!

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