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-   -   Need visa and guide cost help - Algeria, Libya (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/need-visa-guide-cost-help-46400)

fusanipples 11 Nov 2009 17:17

Need visa and guide cost help - Algeria, Libya
Hey all,

Myself my father and my little brother are a month into our trip starting from England, hoping to get back to Australia on our KLRs, depending on how the Aussie $ fares.

We are currently in Morocco and in a months time will be heading back either to Spain to catch the ferry to Algeria, or heading to Italy to catch a ferry to Libya then continuing our way across Nth Africa.

We have been doing our research and can find no real clearcut answers to our questions so can anyone be of any help to us with some real life recent experience.

1. Is the ferry really over 300 euro??
2. Is Spain, Madrid the only place for us to get visas there, or can we get them in Casablanca and how long do they take to get?
3. Is it true that you need guides all over Algeria now and not just in the South?? If so, how much do they cost and does anyone have any favourite tour companies? I have heard Agence Tanezrouft is good.

1. I have heard we can get visas on arrival from the ferry, is this true??
2. Does the South now require tour guides and can anyone recommend a good tour company and cost is this is true

1. Seems the rules keep changing here with regards to the size of your touring party. Is it still minimun of 4 or can we get through with our three??
2. How easy is it to get a visa beforehand, where is the best place and how long will it take?? I have heard it can save a lot of trouble by getting a tour company to get one for you.
3. Guides. Rumours of 200 Euro a day?? Please do not tell me that is each person!! Anyone with recent experience and any recommendations?

1. Anyone with recent experience of crossing the border from Libya??
2. I have heard that the road taxes down south and in the Western desert can be hefty. Have these fees eased and do you need a tour company?

I will keep researching but if anyone could give us some information or is interested in meeting up somewhere down the track, we would love to hear from you.

The Mullens

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