Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Nepal-when? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/nepal-when-1794)

usl 3 Nov 2002 02:06

When is the best time to be in Nepal? or another way to put it ; is a good time to be in Nepal, in mid April ? You see i want to be there at my birthday and its 20 April.

Phil 9 Nov 2002 01:21

I live in Pokhara, Nepal and I would very much recommend Nepal around the time of your birthday. If you can find time to go for a walk in the mountains in the Annapurna region during April (actually, the end of March/beginning of April is usually the best time), the rhodedendrons in flower in the foot-hills are really quite special.
Feel free to contact me before you arrive.

Dizzie 12 Nov 2002 00:51

We are also planning to visit Nepal, Kathmandu. We plan to ride from India to Nepal in January. Is it possible, or is it to cold?

usl 20 Nov 2002 01:58

Thanks Phil ;

I was realy glad for the info ... by the way i want to send you my notes ... as i complete them....for Nepal and would very much appreciate if you take a look and guide me for MUST do+go+see+eat ... etc.

See you

Mark Smith 6 Jan 2003 03:18

Gday USL,

Dont know if this is much help to you, my daughter works in Nepal and she has said the political unrest is growing by the day. Many strikes now are taking place as well as curfew being imposed in Kathmandu. As far as the time to travel is concerned it is very cold from November to late February - just be aware. Check with your countries Foreign Affairs department first.


usl 6 Jan 2003 23:49

Hi Mark ;

I hope everything settles down before it gets worse. I wouldnt want to change it after 8 months of planning and praying.. http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Please keep us updated from the information you receive so that we act accordingly.

Thanks for the info.

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