Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   new member lookin for advice !! DUBLIN TO DARWIN (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/new-member-lookin-advice-dublin-38640)

slim100 29 Oct 2008 22:00

new member lookin for advice !! DUBLIN TO DARWIN
Hows it goin folks,

im a fresh new member ive just sold my beloved landrover and bought an f800gs, im hoping to ride to australia next november, im hoping to go on the kudu trip to kathmandu then on to darwin "solo", im looking for advice on modifications to my bike and any hints or tips for travelling through asia,

any advice or travelling buddys would be much appreciated
cheers adam:clap:

beddhist 30 Oct 2008 14:18

Welcome Adam,

You are so new and fresh that it says under your user name "0 posts". Strange... I think Grant is crawling around in the system again...

Anyway, you will find many answers to your questions in these pages, but perhaps you should start by reading some of the travellers' stories, who have done the route before you. See the link on the left under "Blogs".

Have fun,

baluchiman 31 Oct 2008 21:37


Originally Posted by slim100 (Post 212925)
Hows it goin folks,

im a fresh new member ive just sold my beloved landrover and bought an f800gs, im hoping to ride to australia next november, im hoping to go on the kudu trip to kathmandu then on to darwin "solo", im looking for advice on modifications to my bike and any hints or tips for travelling through asia,

any advice or travelling buddys would be much appreciated
cheers adam:clap:

Hi Adam

Welcome. You have certainly come to the right place for advice. Hope you don't mind me asking, why are you going with a commercial company to Kathmandu? I dont mean to infer anything negative towards Kudo, if I was to pick a company, it would be them. I just think that maybe you will regret having done that in the long run, especially as you are to travel solo from Nepal onwards.

My advice, organise it yourself. If you go with Kudo, then you're merely going on an extended package holiday, where everything is arranged and done for you. Do it yourself, and you are on an expedition/adventure. Again, don't want to come across as a travel snob, if that doesn't bother you, then fine. I'm a veteran of numerous overlanding expeditions, my first being England to India in 24 days back in 1995, and the greatest satisfaction I get, is thinking of the challenges encountered on the way and how I faced them. If you are worried about doing it solo, don't be. As many people on here will tell you, you will always meet people en-routew usually at borders etc. If you are worried about breaking down in the middle of knowhere, don't be. You will be amazed how some one always turns up to help you.

You can't go wrong with a site like this, there are many people on here far more experienced than me, that can offer you all the advice you want. In years to come, I feel you might regret having had your hand held to kathmandu. Might be talking crap (I mostly do) but you are embarking on an amazing adventure, wouldn't want you to have any regrets at all.

baluchiman 31 Oct 2008 21:41


Originally Posted by baluchiman (Post 213330)
Hi Adam

Welcome. You have certainly come to the right place for advice. Hope you don't mind me asking, why are you going with a commercial company to Kathmandu? I dont mean to infer anything negative towards Kudo, if I was to pick a company, it would be them. I just think that maybe you will regret having done that in the long run, especially as you are to travel solo from Nepal onwards.

My advice, organise it yourself. If you go with Kudo, then you're merely going on an extended package holiday, where everything is arranged and done for you. Do it yourself, and you are on an expedition/adventure. Again, don't want to come across as a travel snob, if that doesn't bother you, then fine. I'm a veteran of numerous overlanding expeditions, my first being England to India in 24 days back in 1995, and the greatest satisfaction I get, is thinking of the challenges encountered on the way and how I faced them. If you are worried about doing it solo, don't be. As many people on here will tell you, you will always meet people en-routew usually at borders etc. If you are worried about breaking down in the middle of knowhere, don't be. You will be amazed how some one always turns up to help you.

You can't go wrong with a site like this, there are many people on here far more experienced than me, that can offer you all the advice you want. In years to come, I feel you might regret having had your hand held to kathmandu. Might be talking crap (I mostly do) but you are embarking on an amazing adventure, wouldn't want you to have any regrets at all.

To myself
Get your spelling right, you illiterate tw*t.

baluchiman 31 Oct 2008 21:51


Originally Posted by baluchiman (Post 213330)
Hi Adam

Welcome. You have certainly come to the right place for advice. Hope you don't mind me asking, why are you going with a commercial company to Kathmandu? I dont mean to infer anything negative towards Kudo, if I was to pick a company, it would be them. I just think that maybe you will regret having done that in the long run, especially as you are to travel solo from Nepal onwards.

My advice, organise it yourself. If you go with Kudo, then you're merely going on an extended package holiday, where everything is arranged and done for you. Do it yourself, and you are on an expedition/adventure. Again, don't want to come across as a travel snob, if that doesn't bother you, then fine. I'm a veteran of numerous overlanding expeditions, my first being England to India in 24 days back in 1995, and the greatest satisfaction I get, is thinking of the challenges encountered on the way and how I faced them. If you are worried about doing it solo, don't be. As many people on here will tell you, you will always meet people en-routew usually at borders etc. If you are worried about breaking down in the middle of knowhere, don't be. You will be amazed how some one always turns up to help you.

You can't go wrong with a site like this, there are many people on here far more experienced than me, that can offer you all the advice you want. In years to come, I feel you might regret having had your hand held to kathmandu. Might be talking crap (I mostly do) but you are embarking on an amazing adventure, wouldn't want you to have any regrets at all.

Meant to add, think Mondo Enduro not Long Way Down / Round.

slim100 9 Nov 2008 13:43

thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice, the main reason i was going to go on an organised tour was the organisation of the visas for iran, pakistan and india, and the back up with the tour, as i'm new to biking i thought it could be a bit stupid to attempt a trip like this on my own !!?
i suppose the other reason would be the fixed costs as i wont have an unlimited budget !

anyone any ideas what panniers to buy for an f800 gs ?

calypso 30 Nov 2008 10:58

hey man,

best of luck with the trip, wish i could go with you. someday il get my turn.

check this guy out for panniers, i've read good things from numerous independent people about him and his work.

Globetrott Zentrale Bernd Tesch

hope this helps.

you living in dublin?

thomasjames 1 Dec 2008 08:20

Jessie luggage should be considered

I, too, was new to motorcycle travel this year. Bought my R 1200 GS used and it came with two Jessie side cases, aluminum. I laid the bike down twice at speed, they proved bomb proof, a few scratches, but that was it. Check their website, Jessieluggage.com, I think. Their an American outfit, no doubt you may find something in Europe, cheaper shipping, but Jessie is worth your comparing.

Good luck on the journey, stay in touch, I may see ya headed the other direction,


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