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CaptainJackSparrow 5 Sep 2009 13:16

New Zealand during winter?
Hello all, just came back from my Andean trip and I'm thinking about next holidays, also if august 2010 is really far.
One of the alternatives for 2010 is New Zealand, but I have a great doubt: climate.
Temperatures don't seem to be too low, as far as I read: minimum near 0° celsius also in the coldest cities. Rain, when not constant during days, is not a problem.

But what about landscapes and the passability of mountain roads? I wouldn't come there to find all the best alpine roads closed, and low clouds hiding any landscape, during all my holidays...

What's your opinion or suggestion?
Please, note that I can have 3 or more weeks of holiday only during august.

My alternatives? Australian coast to coast and a more challenging Tashkent (Uzbekistan)-Ulan Bator (Mongolia), but as I just arrived very tired from Andes, I prefer to think to more relaxing trip, at the moment. Adventurist soul probably will awake in some week... :smile2:

Nigel Marx 5 Sep 2009 21:58

The best apline roads close regulalrly in the winter but seldom for more than a day or two. The biggest problem is that de-icing fluids are seldom used, with grit being the usual way to deal with slippery roads. That's much easier on vehicles and the environment, but it's very unpleasent to ride on.

Weather varies a bit from the North, South and West getting lots of rain, and the East getting some rain, bit lots of frosty clear days.

Personally, I love riding then as it's a great change from most of my summer riding, and I like seeing the differences.

As a visitor, it's a good time of the year as there will not be that many other travelers, excpet around the many ski-fields.


Nigel in NZ

flying biker 6 Sep 2009 01:12

Snow and avalanches have been a particular problem this winter on the Milford road. And low cloud often hides the landscape around Queenstown, where I live.

Also the council puts lots of grit on the road when icy conditions are expected, and that means even driving in a car becomes more hazardous. I certainly wouldn't want to be riding a bike with all that loose stuff lying around. As the locals say, if the ice doesn't get you the grit will. I know one biker who recently had to have major surgery on his hand after coming off in that stuff.

Apart from that, the reason I wouldn't want to be touring around in winter is the reduced hours of daylight. Spring or autumn would be better seasons for touring in my opinion. There's much more sunshine around now :)

CaptainJackSparrow 6 Sep 2009 19:41

Thank you very much Nigel and Flying Biker. What you wrote is enough to let me decide to persevere on my idea, also because if I'll don't come in august, I'll never come until I retire. :(
I'll plan some day to face bad weather and unforseeable events (low clouds on nice landscapes, temporarily closed roads, etc), but I'm not so scared by grit. I normally ride my bike on mountains during winter, here in Italy, so I can imagine what you mean. Anyway, for sure I'll use a supplementary dose of prudence.
Now I'll do the second step: I'm going to buy the Lonely Planet of New Zealand. Can you suggest some nice places normally underestimated or unknown to tourists guides?
Thank you again very much,


Nigel Marx 6 Sep 2009 23:14


Originally Posted by CaptainJackSparrow (Post 256018)
Thank you very much Nigel and Flying Biker. What you wrote is enough to let me decide to persevere on my idea,

Can you suggest some nice places normally underestimated or unknown to tourists guides?
Thank you again very much,


Hi Mirco.

I know some very nice places to go as I live in the South Island too, like Flying Biker. I live near Christchurch, where I imagine you will be flying in to NZ? What's say we talk about it over a beer? :thumbup1:

Also I highly recommend Great Escapes which you can find here:
Peter Mitchell :: Books

Feel free to PM or email me too.

Kind regards

Nigel in NZ

CaptainJackSparrow 7 Sep 2009 22:45

Nigel, you are very kind. I don't want to bore you with private messages until I'll book my flight, that will be in some months, as is only semptember. Waiting that, I bought the Lonely Planet, "New Zealand Motorcycle Atlas", and I put "Great Escape" in the wish list on Amazon.

Ok for a beer, for sure: I'll be really glad. But I think I'll fly on Auckland: there are more flights from Italy, faster and with less stops. But I'll decide once I have prepared the itinerary. In any case, for sure I'll be also in Christchurch.

Well, now I go to sleep... Ciao and thank you.

msg996 17 Sep 2009 10:04

Captain Jack,
I've ridden both islands of NZ and loved it all, but I would say that the South is better for a motorcyclist, it was certainly my favorite. Christchurch is a very beautiful city and easy to navigate. There are some nice places to explore near there from Littleton Harbour around the Banks Peninsula to Akaroa etc... You can also check out the Hanmer and Maruia hotsprings for a nice warm dip on a cool day. As far as I know you can pretty much ride there year round, they have a rally called the Brass Monkey rally in the middle of the winter sometime, (can't remember when exactly). Some of the high roads to the West coast like the Arthurs pass or Lewis pass may possibly be a bit snowy I'd think, but overall I think if you went you would have a fantastic time!

hippie 21 Sep 2009 20:05

Definately do it!
I spent 6 months riding around both islands and had the most amazing time.
The south is quiet and certainly my favorite. Free camping every night but be prepared to get wet.
If in the north you HAVE to ride around the coromandel.
I borrowed a GSXR1100 from a hostel owner and after riding one part I turned around and did twice again. It really was that good.
One thing to remember is that the police have forward facing radar..:ban:
And also the "boy racer rule" where they can impound your vehicle if you're caught getting up to no good.

CaptainJackSparrow 11 Oct 2009 19:02

I apologize for the long, long delay, but I thank you for your suggestions and information.
I looked for information about the Brass Monkey rally who seems to be interesting, but it seems to be during june.
Hippie, 6 months riding a bike... what a dream! A GSXR1100, great!, but I think my wrists couldn't resist: that's the reason why I sold my beloved ZX10R

Well, thank you again, I'm taking note of all your suggestions.

TotalTomination 19 Oct 2009 03:17

Go Summer
Seriously, the place rains like gods bathroom all winter (and spring and autumn), or snows, or both.

If you are looking for somewhere nice, try the south coast of Australia, the best wineries, waves and riding in the world, plus, it sounds like you dont mind being bitterly cold....

flying biker 19 Oct 2009 05:14

I wouldn't recommend the south coast of Australia in winter.

But winter on the east coast can be good because most of the crap weather happens west of the Great Dividing Range.

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