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-   -   North Carolina(USA) to Buenos Aires...How much time?? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/north-carolina-usa-buenos-aires-26727)

funklab 21 Apr 2007 02:00

North Carolina(USA) to Buenos Aires...How much time??
Basically I am trying to go to Buenos Aires for a year abroad at Universidad del Salvador in March 2008 and I am trying to find out if I have enough time to ride my bike there.

I would be leaving Charlotte, NC after Christmas with my family, and riding south on my xr650l. I dont really want to be rushed, and am wondering roughly how long it takes most people to do it. I would fly my bike either into Quito or Bogata, havent decided yet.

If you have any advice for me, especially roughly how long it would take, I would greatly appreciate it. When I did my last trip through Mexico on the xr I only averaged 200ish miles a day riding almost every day.

If it looks like I might be pushing it to make it in time, I might consider flying down and getting buying a bike there and doing a trip up in december 2008 when i finish school.

so in summary

How long to get to Buenos Aires from North Carolina?

Is it difficult to buy/register/title/insure a bike in Argentina for foreigners (i am a US citizen with a student visa)?

and any other advice or comments you have would be greatly appreciated.



RickMcD 22 Apr 2007 16:41

3 months is cutting it close but .....

Originally Posted by funklab (Post 133924)
Basically I am trying to go to Buenos Aires for a year abroad at Universidad del Salvador in March 2008 and I am trying to find out if I have enough time to ride my bike there.

I dont really want to be rushed, and am wondering roughly how long it takes most people to do it. I would fly my bike either into Quito or Bogata, havent decided yet.

If you have any advice for me, especially roughly how long it would take, I would greatly appreciate it. When I did my last trip through Mexico on the xr I only averaged 200ish miles a day riding almost every day.

How long to get to Buenos Aires from North Carolina?

Is it difficult to buy/register/title/insure a bike in Argentina for foreigners (i am a US citizen with a student visa)?



Josh, I left Southern California on my KLR on Oct 1st 2006 headed for Ushuaia. Shipped the bike from Panama City to Bogota on Nov. 8th (5 weeks for Mexico and Central America. Didn't feel I rushed it but could have spent more time at any number of places. From Bogota, made it to Ushuaia on Dec 21st (7 weeks , Buenos Aires would be about a week less). Spent a week in Cusco and 4 days in Uyuni (Salar) so again didn't rush it but, again, could have spent more time at a LOT of places. Your schedule looks "doable" but close. JMO! YMMV!! Yada, Yada. :=)

funklab 22 Apr 2007 20:49

I appreciate it Rick. It is looking like it will probably be doable. I think I will probably be able to hit Mexico around the first of the year, and then have around 10-11 weeks to get down to BA. Might be rushing it a little bit, but I will have lots more time on the way back.

I would still appreciate any other opinions/advice from anyone else who has experience traveling down that way.

And who did you ship your bike with Rick???

RickMcD 23 Apr 2007 15:55

Lots of Shipping Info. here.

Originally Posted by funklab (Post 134093)
I appreciate it Rick.
And who did you ship your bike with Rick???

Look at this thread in Trip Transport. Many other threads there also.


Keep us informed on your trip.

funklab 23 Apr 2007 16:58

Thanks for the link Rick!

How long do you think it would take me to blast thru central america (I know I can get to McAllen, TX in 3 hard days from where I am, and I have family there, so I will probably cross at Rio Grande City(US)/Camargo(MX) crossing since it was pretty straight forward there last time.

I dont really get down with the Autopistas in Mexico, as I prefer smaller less traveled roads, but I really have no idea of the road condition south of Mexico.

Considering that the XR doesnt have a windshield and cruising at 70 for more than a half hour or so is painful (on the body and the gas mileage) how long do you think Guat-Pan city would take if I pretty much went straight thru?

thanks again for all your help, and if there is anyone else reading this I would really really appreciate another opinion.


funklab 23 Apr 2007 17:02

forgot to mention, I might be meeting up with someone in Colombia in late Jan/very early feb, and so was trying to see it +-30 days is about enought to get the bike shipped to Bogata.


ps: dont worry, I am budgeting a lot of time for the trip back, just want to get to South America ASAP b/c I will kinda be on a tight schedule. No tight schedule on the way back though!!!!

RickMcD 23 Apr 2007 23:23

Runnin for the Border!

Originally Posted by funklab (Post 134211)
Considering that the XR doesnt have a windshield and cruising at 70 for more than a half hour or so is painful (on the body and the gas mileage) how long do you think Guat-Pan city would take if I pretty much went straight thru?


Even at 55 or 60 you could do it in less than a week (if you want to do that sort of thing). Heck, Dick Fish rode all the way from Prudhoe Bay to Tierra Del Fuego in 21 days! :=) After crossing into Guat at La Mesilla, drop down below Guat City to Esquentla (to avoid Guat City) and use CA2 thru El Salvador and hit CA1 at La Union then thru Honduras (the border crossings will take longer than the actual riding time to cross Honduras) :=) and just stay with CA1 to Panama City. Roads are good and you don't have to pay the tolls the rest of the way to Panama. There are a LOT of nice beaches on your right (San Juan Del Sur, Nick. is just one) if you want a little break once in awhile.

funklab 25 Apr 2007 15:47

thanks again rick
I think it is definitely possible for me to do it in a very(to me) short amount of time, like a week and a half or so (if i had to) to panama city, but knowing the way I ride, I think I will budget a little over 3 weeks for the first leg of the journey.

I guess Girag is probably my best bet for shipping, although they seem to be getting a little pricey. Oh well.

I looked into flying down and buying a bike in Argentina, and prices seem really really inflated (compared to US). Someone down there found me a bike just like mine 1996 xr650l and the price was US$6200!!! I can get a brand new xr650l cheaper than that in the states.

Does anyone know details on buying a bike cheaper in another country? I'd rather not buy in Brasil just because of the language barrier, but I guess if I need to...

Thanks again to everyone who has helped me so far

RickMcD 25 Apr 2007 16:02

Buying bike down there!

Originally Posted by funklab (Post 134483)
I looked into flying down and buying a bike in Argentina, and prices seem really really inflated (compared to US). Someone down there found me a bike just like mine 1996 xr650l and the price was US$6200!!! I can get a brand new xr650l cheaper than that in the states.

Does anyone know details on buying a bike cheaper in another country? I'd rather not buy in Brasil just because of the language barrier, but I guess if I need to...

Thanks again to everyone who has helped me so far

I have seen a LOT of bikes advertised on this HUBB for sale down there that may be USA registered. Prices seem more than reasonable (KLR for $2000). It seems to me that if you had a notarized statement both in Spanish and English that gives you permission to act as owner then you could ride it back North with no (or little) trouble. I know a couple of guys that sold (illegally) their USA registered bikes down there but it should be the problem for the new owners as they were aware of the situation. Don't think you could "change" owners there but permission to ride someone else's bike back to the states should be doable. Dunno!

funklab 27 Apr 2007 01:24

I heard that one guy bought a brasilian bike, rode around for several months or a year or so and then sold it. Anybody know who that was or how to get in touch with him?

I figure if he rode it around south america, and I do the same thing he did, I could probably ride it back north dont ya think?

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