Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Nov-Feb 07/08...Tour & Trip Suggestions Please (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/nov-feb-07-08-tour-24396)

Golden Boy 1 Dec 2006 02:08

Nov-Feb 07/08...Tour & Trip Suggestions Please
New to this site...wow is all I can say.

I want to plan a dual sport bike trip for next winter and looking for recommendations. I live in Canada, so obviously heading somewhere warmer for the trip. Also figure that by the time I prep and ship a bike I might as well look at renting wheels. Probably leaning towards a tour group, self-guided is not out of the question, but I'd like to like to get off the beaten path...100% pavement does not interest me in the least.

Been racing off-road motorcycles at a fairly high level for a few decades now (yep...still got all my hair...but it ain't all brown anymore!)...so don't think skill level will be an issue. Plenty of road experience too I should add.

I've been looking at Morocco, (various tour companies and alone), Paris-Dakar (with Kudu), Baja California and maybe south/central America as destinations. I've got no more than 3 weeks to utilize for the trip.

Any suggests you people have as to places, routes, tour organizers that you would like to recommend would be greatly appreciated.

Oh yeah...did I say "great site?"...:thumbup1:

Thanks in advance.

oldbmw 1 Dec 2006 21:14

with so many things to see in N america I am amazed you would choose morocco for a three week tour, not that i have anything against morocco.. I always wanted to see nevada, grand canyon and yellowstone ( to name a few) plus rushmore and the indian sculpture

mollydog 2 Dec 2006 00:13

W A R M....like all good Canadian Snow Birds.

Lone Rider 2 Dec 2006 01:54

Being in the western hemisphere, an obvious to me, and also possibly inexpensive (relatively), would be Baja and mainland Mexico.

Ship or haul your bike to the border and then ride...

Motodiscovery.com and RosensRides.com do mex tours and there are several more that specialize in just Baja, if you really want the tour thing. Google for fun and...riding. :) San Jose, CR is just a flight away..with some moto operations there, too..

Though...Sounds like you might be looking for something that would be perceived as exotic (passport stamp) to you and friends...dunno.

As was posted, the Altas Mtns would be butt-ass cold.

Golden Boy 2 Dec 2006 23:41

Should have perhaps mentioned that I've been through most of the southern US, also a year in Thailand and once around Australia...mostly at about 30,000 feet though between stops.

Yes there are a ton of good routes in both Canada and the US...Alaska and the Northwest Territories are high on my list...for summer though.

I've been wanting to get to the African continent...thanks for the tips re:winter weather and locations.

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