Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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baje 18 Mar 2003 19:46

nova scotia in may?
anyone can tell me how the weather is on east coast in may?

John Ferris 19 Mar 2003 05:30

The average daily temperatures I have are-
May - Min 4c (40f) Max - 15c (59f)
Rain - 104mm (4.1in), Wet days 14
Highest recorded 32c (90f) Lowest -4c (24f)
The above is from Fodor's World Weather Guide

Thunder 2 May 2003 19:58

No mater what time of year, pack plenty of clothes! And rain gear. Even in July, it can be pretty cold.

What ever you do, be sure to make the Cabot Trail, and plan on a full day to enjoy it all!

Werner 3 May 2003 08:57

Best to do Cabot Trail in a conterclockwise direction. Then you're on the outside of the road looking down on the sea. Awesome!

ZacT 28 Jul 2003 07:12

I live on the cabot trail in nova scotia. weather is nice in may, it can get a bit cold but it's usually pretty nice, not to cold. It's a beautiful place, you'll enjoy it. It's allso very beautifull in early october when all the leaves change color, I think the fall is one of the most spactacular times to do the cabot trail because it is so colorful. there is allso many whale watch tours on the northern tip of the cabot trail that I highly recomend.

CaptainTim 4 Aug 2003 02:18

I grew up in Nova Scotia and would say that May tends to be an iffy month. This last May was wet for half the month. June is quite consistent and would recommend at least late May or early June if possible. But the weather is good enough throughout May.

I would also recommend taking more than one day for the Cabot trail. There's plenty to see and you don't want to be rushed. 2-3days would be a good idea.

When on the Cabot Trail go camp at "Meat Cove" it's at the very tip of Cape Breton, it's a bit off the beaten path but it's worth it. The edge of the world.

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