Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   November Netherlands (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/november-netherlands-2039)

mr guzzi 12 Nov 2004 22:23

November Netherlands
Hello, my name is Lele, I'm from Italy & I drive a Moto Guzzi California...
I'm trying to have my holidays now, and so what's better than a winter trip by moto???
I'm starting next sunday to the Netherlands, thinking to pass trough the Switzerland, Germany, a little bit of France, Luxembourg and finally Holland...
But I don't know so much about these beautiful countries, so if anybody can help me to know about where to go, visiting & having rests, the roads, the places & everything else, please write me about...
I think I would not travel on highways, and so if anybody can help me, I'll thank so much & surely offer a Big Fresh Beer the first time we meet...

Thank to all...

niels 13 Nov 2004 15:09

hi lele,
you could have a very interesting trip if you avoid the highways as you say. a very nice road in france is offccourse the n89 (i think) or also know as the route napoleon. really nice road and you can stop in the most beautifull villages and towns. other regions in france: try to make your way up to the jura, vosgues and elzas. from there in to luxemburg, i would go to the belgian ardennes and from there to voeren (bel) en Maastricht (holland). did this route a couple years ago, you will enjoy it.
good luck

beddhist 14 Nov 2004 03:20

N85 actually. I only know the Southern section, which starts about 20km from here. It goes all the way to Paris.

However, I think you left it a bit late for your trip, unless you enjoy cold and wet: Winter is just around the corner, the high passes are probably closed already and while a beautiful autumn day in the forest can be just that: beautiful, you will also encounter cold, wet, fog, frost and short days.

Go South, young man! Corsica, Sardegna, Southern Italy, Greece, never too far from the sea.

Golly, living here makes me soft...

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


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