Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Route Planning (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/)
-   -   organised tours in southern india (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/organised-tours-in-southern-india-1772)

jaq 29 Aug 2002 02:50

organised tours in southern india
Being new to international bike touring we're being woosses(!) and looking at booking an organised tour for our trip to southern india. Has anyone had any experience of these? There's a company called Blazing Trails that looks ok. If anyone's got any experience of them or any other co. or any other tips for first time travellers they'd be much appreciated.
Cheers, jaq

Susan Johnson 29 Aug 2002 03:34


Welcome to the HUBB! Although tours are not a big part of the site info, they are growing. We have been talking to several reputable tour companies recently, as we do receive inquiries such as yours and we want to be sure that any company we recommend will do a good job for the traveller.

A very good company which has been in operation for some time is Lotus Tours. They do tours in India and worldwide.


For links to a number of other tour companies which do tours in India, see the following:


We list these companies for your convenience. We do not endorse any of them. We will eventually be providing a facility for travellers to rate and comment on the services provided by tour and rental companies. In the meantime, you are reminded to make appropriate enquiries and check references.

Please, if you contact Lotus or any of the companies, let them know where you heard about them.

Good luck, and let us know how you go.

Susan Johnson

"It matters not what goal you seek
Its secret here reposes:
You've got to dig from week to week
To get Results or Roses."
Edgar Guest

'One world, two wheels'

Jac 28 Oct 2002 18:54

Hi Jaq,

Blazing Trails are awesome, we've just got back from their Himalaya trip and had a blast.

My husband has also been on their Goa trip (and loved it) and this season they have another trip in the Kerala region.

We'd like to do a big trip on our own sometime (maybe even back to NZ in the future!!) but for a two week, no hassle, everything organised for you kind or trip....this is the one!!!

It's great because all you have to think about is riding...everything else is taken care of.

I have to say, I've never been a "package holiday" kind of person, but for a first foray into the world of adventure motorcycling (well, more adventurous than riding around London!!) it's left me lusting for more....


ronin.rider 1 Sep 2009 03:53

Road Veda
I've just done a 4 day ride with this small outfit in Bangalore, just 8 bikes and a small website- run by an English woman and her Indian husband. Had a blast. Having been in India for 6 years now, I can safely say that these guys do take off to nicer places than I have ridden to, more 'cultural' and exotic than done to death routes. Private coffee estates tours and a private beach house thrown in for good measure. They are about to kick off longer rides this fall.

rusty max 20 Sep 2009 03:03

India trip

my son and me, have done a 3 weeks ride in India, with an Indian company,
this year. Absolutely great, can only praise them, got really looked after.
Why using a middleman, when you can do it directly? Check their website:
India Tourism - India Travel - Unicrystal Holidays
If queries, just respond.

Cheers Helgo

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