Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Osh, Kyrgyzstan (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/osh-kyrgyzstan-60878)

Revenue 25 Dec 2011 00:41

Osh, Kyrgyzstan
Will be arriving in Osh later August early September 2012, will be spending a couple of night here before we enter China via the Taldyk Pass, can anyone recommend a bike friendly Garage or Hotel etc, where we can do all the Vehicle servicing and prep work, a good secure place ideally.


Hemuli 28 Aug 2012 15:35

Now in Osh, should start changing my engine oil.
So, can anyone recommend garage here.

chris 29 Aug 2012 01:23


Originally Posted by Hemuli (Post 390709)
Now in Osh, should start changing my engine oil.
So, can anyone recommend garage here.

Recommended accom is TES Guesthouse, near the stadium. The car market is up the big long hill, near the monument on the big hill (or was it a radiomast? Or maybe a somesort of religeous thing?, sorry, am culturally dyslexic :(). You're sure to find something up that way if you're wanting to do the work yourself and just needa place to work.

Enjoy Kyrg. It's my favourite country in Central Asia.

chris 29 Aug 2012 15:10

Coords in deg.min.something of TES: N40 31.340 E72 48.163

They have covered parking but you'd have to ask if you can work on your vehicle there.

Hemuli 30 Aug 2012 04:17

You can get your tires changed in Osh (N40º31.347´ E72º48.652´).
Oil can be purchased and changed in Osh (N40º31.165´ E72º48.757´).

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