Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Overland Expo anyone? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/overland-expo-anyone-55817)

Muskoka 1 Mar 2011 15:50

Overland Expo anyone?
Just thought I would ask if anyone is planning on going to the Overland Expo this year.

I am planning to go, and take my family. We are pretty excited about it actually.

The foundation I work with is going to have a booth set up and a bit of info about what we do and how we go about it. If yall show up feel free to pop by and say hello!

We will have the Eco-Roamer with us, and a panel of speakers to discuss the programs too.

We are planning to drive our Jeep down, and we are thinking of stopping at the Grand Canyon on the way down (from Utah) and perhaps coming back via Las Vegas!

Anyone have some "must see" points between the Salt Lake City area and Las Vegas? We have been to Bryce Canyon, and will likely forgo that this time given the seemingly unending climb of the price of gas.

Muskoka 4 Mar 2011 14:54


No one? I figured that there would be several people on here going...

Warthog 4 Mar 2011 16:02

A lot of people on the wrong side of the pond for that, I think!

Muskoka 5 Mar 2011 05:24

Yes, I guess so. I know that I have heard about people meeting up in various places from this site, one of the ways I first heard about the place actually, so I figured there would be plenty going.

Ah well, such is life.

Any of you Europeans (or any other continents for that matter) feel like a trip across, come in and say hello!

I'll try to put up a thought or ten on how it went for me just the same shall I?

Warthog 5 Mar 2011 08:07

If you go, definitely post on what it was like!! Many may not have made it, but I'm sure plenty would like to know more, myself included.

Wildman 5 Mar 2011 08:49

What is it? Where is it? When is it?

Why post in Route Planning?

John Ferris 5 Mar 2011 13:46

April 1-3, 2011 Amado, Arizona, USA

Overland Expo - Home

Dr. Benny 17 Mar 2011 23:59

I don't have any route tips for ya. But I will be at the Expo. Looks like it'll be a great event. I'll have a small booth in the "Author's Tent" Stop by and say Hello :thumbup1:

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