Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Overland to Kyrgyzstan (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/overland-to-kyrgyzstan-42419)

_MT_ 26 Apr 2009 21:29

Overland to Kyrgyzstan
I am planning to travel overland to Kyrgyzstan from the Netherlands, with a friends and 3 cars. We are planning to travel through Germany, Polen, Ukraine, Russland, Kazachstan, Kyrgisie.
I am looking for advice, has anybody done such a trip? How are the border crossings? What are interesting places to visit? Does anybody knows camping’s, or cheep motels to stay? What about safety in those country’s?

If anybody is familiar with these country’s, and have useful information, I would be very grateful!

OrangeDub 26 Apr 2009 22:08

As for Kyrgyzstan, you could contact Ellen Romeijn of Horizon Travel
HORIZON travel Company

I'm not familiair with your chosen route to Kyrgyzstan, took the Silk Road through the Stan's myself.

Rebaseonu 26 Apr 2009 23:02

There are many postings about 'stans already on the forum. Do youself a favour and see/search older postings, you'll find plenty of information.

honey rider 28 Apr 2009 11:28

I have done in august 2007 the road between Kirghizistan and Italy, through Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraina... the only thing you have to care about is the road in Kaz. in some stretches is very bad (no tarmac, big holes, sand and so on) and no petrol station for about 500 km

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