Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Oz to Uk - which route? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/oz-to-uk-which-route-32021)

galesa2 3 Jan 2008 22:22

Oz to Uk - which route?
Planning a trip Oz to UK via Sarajevo in early 09 with bikes being shipped to Sing. Seeking advice on which route to take through south and central Asia. So far the possible routes are:

A. Sing, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanamar, India, Nepal, Uzbek, Kazak, Russian Fed. Ukraine, Mordova and so on

B. Sing Malyaysia, Thailand, Myanamar, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and so on.

C. Sing Malaysia, Thailand, Laos/Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Kazak, Russian Fed. Ukraine, Mordova and so on

Andy advice would be appreciated partiuclarly regarding riding through China. Is it feasible or is it just a logistic nightmare.

Frank Warner 3 Jan 2008 23:39

You'll find Myanamar and China are a no. Well for most people.

Easiest/cheapest is ship to India ... or
Japan and ship onward to Russia..

ride from there westwards..

OzGaz 4 Jan 2008 03:23

Continuing on from galesa2

So continuing on from the idea from galesa2 (we are travelling together), what about the following 2 options:

Plan A
: Ship to Bangladesh and/or India, Bhutan, India, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Macedonia, Romania, Bosnia onto the UK

Plan B
: Ship to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, (ship to) Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, India, Nepal, India, Pak, Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Macedonia, Romania, Bosnia onto the UK

We were also thinking Iran>Turkey, and even though our trip is a while away, has anybody had the pleasure of trying to this border crossing recently? Any major problems (other than the usual frustrations) we would need to know about?

AussieGuy 19 Feb 2008 04:47

Hey guys. Im wanting to plan a trip the the UK as well.

I was thinking maybe Aus, Sing, Thai, Cambodia, Laos, India, UAE, Egypt, Morocco, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Germany, UK.

If that plan was to expansive or was going to take to long, I would miss Africa and go through Turkey to UK that way.

When you planning your trip? Also you guys going to the HU meeting this weekend?

Jono 21 Feb 2008 12:41

Hi Aussie Guy,
I'll be down at the meeting on Saturday, and am planning to go from Sydney to Norway in a few months. Lets catch up for a chat. Is there anything down there on the friday?
PM me your mobile number.

AussieGuy 22 Feb 2008 00:03

I cant send PM's yet as im only a new member. Ummm how else can i send it to you? Anyways it will be great to catch up mate for a chat. Ill be riding my black Suzuki M109R, so i should stick out a little.

If you want, send me a PM with your phone number and ill check back on here tonight. Ill send u a text message after that. I should be @ the meeting around 11am saturday.

Joey1007 26 Feb 2008 04:44

Time of year?
Hi there,

Am looking into planning a similar trip starting from NZ in March 09 taking about 8 months. What time of year are you planning to start this trip and how long do you plan to spend away? Have seen others manage it from UK to Oz, but am having trouble planning the route in more detail due to rainy seasons and it getting very hot in India, Pakistan, Iran etc, then trying to avoid snow in Eastern Turkey?

Cheers, Joey

Dingo 26 Feb 2008 10:47


Originally Posted by AussieGuy (Post 176017)
I cant send PM's yet as im only a new member. Ummm how else can i send it to you? Anyways it will be great to catch up mate for a chat. Ill be riding my black Suzuki M109R, so i should stick out a little.

If you want, send me a PM with your phone number and ill check back on here tonight. Ill send u a text message after that. I should be @ the meeting around 11am saturday.

Good Idea mate, I think it best to keep that bike Outta Africa! I don't think it was made for these roads..........haha.

KennyE 26 Feb 2008 10:51


Originally Posted by Joey1007 (Post 176735)
Hi there,

Am looking into planning a similar trip starting from NZ in March 09 taking about 8 months. What time of year are you planning to start this trip and how long do you plan to spend away? Have seen others manage it from UK to Oz, but am having trouble planning the route in more detail due to rainy seasons and it getting very hot in India, Pakistan, Iran etc, then trying to avoid snow in Eastern Turkey?

Cheers, Joey

Hi all,

I leave on my trip from the UK back to Aussie in late April. My bike left Brisbane yesterday :thumbup1: bound for a container in Sydney which then leaves in a couple of weeks. I pick it up on 2nd May in the UK.

My original plan was to ride from Brisbane to the UK but because of the monsoon season, winter and other weather issues I believed it best to do it the other way around. The following is my rough itinerary. I therefore hope to miss any too cold /hot and/or wet weather,but who can really tell. We have had nothing but rain and more rain around here for a couple of months now.

Fly to London--------------------------------------- 16th April 2008
Tour London and UK (No bike) ---------------------to 2nd May
PICK UP BIKE------------------------------------- 2nd May
Travel to France------------------------------------- 6th May
France -----------------------------------------------May
Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark ----------------------May, June
Norway, Sweden ------------------------------------June
Around Baltic Sea to Finland -------------------------June
Norrskata --------------------------------------------20th June
Finland -----------------------------------------------Early July
Ferry to Estonia
Estonia, Latvia, Poland -------------------------------July
Germany--------------------------------------------- Late July
Austria -----------------------------------------------August
Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania-------------- August
Macedonia -------------------------------------------August
Greece -----------------------------------------------September
Turkey -----------------------------------------------September
Iran, Pakistan ----------------------------------------September, October
India -------------------------------------------------November
Nepal ------------------------------------------------December
Fly bike to Bangkok ----------------------------------Early Jan
Thailand, Cambodia, Laos ----------------------------January, February
Malaysia--------------------------------------------- March
Fly to Darwin ----------------------------------------April
Ride to Brisbane -------------------------------------April, May

As you can see I plan to travel around the Baltic Sea to a place called Norrskata, which is a small island in SW Finland where my Great-Grandfather was born. Apparently I have a heap of relatives in the area who knew nothing of my existence!! I hope to be there for Mid-Summer celebrations.

I'm sure my timing will change slightly- but it's better to have a plan,any plan, otherwise how could I change it??!!!:confused1:

I'll let you know whether I was correct in my timing when I'm Back!! :stormy:

Jono 27 Feb 2008 08:21

Hi Aussie Guy,
I saw your bikes down there, but of course didn't know it was you! I went down in the car because the bike is in bits all over my garage floor. I was the tallest person there along with Adrian if that helps. I live and work in sydney if you wanna have a catch up some time, whereabout do you live?

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