Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Pamir-Highway and Lake Baikal (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/pamir-highway-and-lake-baikal-101549)

Deutel 1 Jan 2021 16:33

Pamir-Highway and Lake Baikal
Hi there!
I am planning a motorcycle tour to Lake Baikal. The tour is expected to take place in 2023.
I will then be able to travel from February to August and during this time I would like to drive to Lake Baikal but also the Pamir Highway.
However, I fear that both places cannot be achieved together in this time window, as the Pamir Highway will only be passable from June, so I would have to do this on the way back from Lake Baikal, for which the time should be too short.
In addition, the temperatures on Lake Baikal are only favourable from June onwards.

Does anyone of you have experience or can give tips.

Best regards

Mannstein 17 Jan 2021 22:59

mit was planst du die Reise zu machen. Fahrrad, Motorrad, Auto, Wohnmobil?
Und wo liegt der Schwerpunkt, Sightseeing, Badeurlaub, Fahrspaß?
Hab dieselbe Runde für dieses Jahr(?!) Juli, August mit dem Motorrad im Kopf und will das in 60 Tagen erledigen.
Wenn es funktioniert geb ich dir hier bescheid.

Tomkat 20 Jan 2021 15:50

In 2022 (was going to be 2020 but...) I will be heading east to Magadan, passing Lake Baikal. I had planned to turn round at Irkutsk and head south to do the Pamir, but I decided to do the Kolyma Highway first, then return and head through the Stans. Like you, weather plays a part in my plans. I have worked out an approximate route and mileages on a spreadsheet and I reckon I should hit key points at the following dates:
  • 19 Jun Yakutsk
  • 27 Jun Magadan
  • 21 Jul Ulaanbaatar
  • 11 Aug Almaty
  • 02 Sep Dushanbe


anonymous3 22 Jan 2021 15:48

Good journey
I had a look at your route on the fxxxbook, excellent. Good luck.

Verkamman 24 Jan 2021 15:44

Pamir Highway
Hi Deutel,

My strong advise for the Pamir is:
- include the Wakhan Corridor in your trip, a bit of a D-tour from Pamir Highway but 100% worthwhile
- the other advise is to do the trip from Dushanbe to Osh and not the other way around. The increase is altitude is much more gentle which gives you (normally) less problems with altitude sickness than the other way around.

All the best,

G B 7 Feb 2021 15:31

If you go from Osh to south you can go from 1000m to 4000m in one day and then you will have altitude sickness. If you go from Dushanbe to Osh and travel slowly, ca. 120 km per day, you will gain 500m per day and have no problem.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 20:27.
