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-   -   In planing: UK to Australia March 2010, Greater Wisdom and Knowledge Needed (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/planing-uk-australia-march-2010-a-45731)

mardy convey 7 Oct 2009 08:28

In planing: UK to Australia March 2010, Greater Wisdom and Knowledge Needed
After completing a two and a half months on a magical journey through the Australia desert on a postie (Steppi, CT110) I have fallen in love with this mode of being a free spirit in the elements and heading off the beaten track to experience all those wonderful things that the everyday traveller does not get to experience. Although its tough i believe the self discoveries and experiences that it comes with are truly worth it.
I am hoping the leave the UK in March 2010 to head back home, the exciting and adventurous way home (I call it going Walk-a-bout). I am so excited and ready for this.

So The plan is this: To travel through Europe via many of the wonderful European countries to Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India (Across the Himalayas), Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma), Through the South East Asian countries like Laos,Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Across to Sarawak, Borneo, Back to Malaysia to ship from Singapore through Indonesia to Dilli in Timor then Ship to Darwin. Then ride through the monsoon back to the The Channon (North coast of NSW) to be reunited with my lovely Rebeh and Smokey man then down Sydney for a party of a life time (quarter of a century!!! oh yeah!!).

So In my research and sending off emails to all the relevant bureaucracies, I have not got far as replies seem to be quite rare, to keep the light dimmer off my shoulders I thought Id put it out there to see what relevant information people have on Countries, visas, motorbikes, carne's and ferries.

I am some what concerned about being given entrance into Iran and Pakistan and Myanmar at the moment. Has anyone travelled through these countries as of late and is it still going to be possible given the current state of affairs. I probably should apply for visas as soon as possible but then im bound to time and dates. And does anyone know about issues entering Vietnam and Cambodia with a motorbike?

I am taking a step or six up from the postie I previously had and am in search of a XRV Africa Twin, From all I've seen and heard she is the ultimate, So who knows of a sweet babe like the AT at a reasonable price? And as far as Carne's go, What is needed for me to buy a bike here, travel through all the countries stated and then to import it into Australia as I don't really wish to come back (and within one year is a definite no no). If I import it into Australia does that mean i loose my Carne money? What are other ways around this issue that poses many challenges.

As for Ferries has anyone taken a ferry from Singapore to Sarawak or Borneo? Is it possible? And Im trying to find out the likelihood, companies, estimated costing and time associated with ferry trips from Singapore to Dilli in Timor and then from Dilli to Darwin.

I know people out there have this knowledge so if people have other info to share such as must see places along the way or amazing tracks to explore throw ideas to me please. And for anyone who is keen to join me on parts of the trip feel free. I am an open free spirit.
Spread the love and good vibe tracking to all you fellow two wheeled adventures.

flying biker 7 Oct 2009 09:36

The Channon! I haven't heard of that place since I lived in Byron Bay many years ago.

As for the carnet question, there are recent threads somewhere on this site about rules for bringing vehicles into Australia. If I remember correctly, you need a carnet if the bike is being imported temporarily. There are completely different rules if it's going to stay.

And although I have no direct knowledge, I gather from what I've read here that Burma is out of bounds at the moment.

But if you do have any questions about the ride from Darwin to NSW, that's something I do know about from my own experience.

beddhist 7 Oct 2009 15:11

Burma & Vietnam are not possible with own vehicle, although I did meet a guy with a truck who got in with some hassles (busaroundglobe.com).

The weight of the AT will limit somewhat where you can (or want to) go.

If you want to import the bike permanently into Oz you need to buy a bike that complies with ADR.

Of course you get your carnet deposit back, when you permanently import the bike somewhere. Don't worry about that, Paul from the RAC will explain all that to you when the time comes.

Cambodia: no entry from Laos, unless you have a customs permit from Phnom Penh. (We were asked for a bribe.) Try going the other way round.

There are no ferries from Singapore to anywhere (this is a FAQ). Sarawak is part of Borneo...

I suggest you think about shipping with Cakra in Georgetown to Belawan. You can then travel around Indo to your heart's content. Get a 2-month visa in Georgetown.

In Indo there are car ferries all along the island chain, plus Jakarta/Semarang/Surabaya to Pontianak, Surabaya to Flores island, Labuanbajo (Flores) to Makassar (Sulawesi). There is also a ferry from Sabah to Mindanao.

For shipping between Singapore and Dili (also East Malaysia) I can recommend Bintang Mas Shipping (Home Page). They shipped our bikes uncrated from Dili, took 7 days. But if you do that then you miss out on Indo, which is interesting. Timor Leste is only expensive. Also, you need to be aware of the bureaucracy in Singapore. Use the Search function on HUBB. Dto. for Dili-Darwin.

Have fun planning.

Bobduro 7 Oct 2009 19:44

Hi Mardy,

We're also looking to leave the UK to head for Oz next year but a little later than you.

Will be interested to hear people's views about getting from SE Asia to Oz, at the moment we're planning to freight the bike's from Singapore to Darwin but am open to ideas.

As for Burma - forget it (personally I wouldn't want to go through it under the current regime). I know that Vietnam's been an issue regarding being allowed to bring your own bike in but am sure I heard somewhere recently on here that the Vietnam govt had dropped that law?.... I'm sure that more knowledgeable people on here will be able to confirm this one way or another.......

Sebbu 8 Oct 2009 02:07

Hi mate,

Planning a similar trip, but only leaving UK in July/August (at this stage, I'm going solo).

From what I've read, Pakistan and Iran shuoldn't be issues - and they seem to rate really highly on every trip report I've read. If you haven't already read it, grab a copy of Chris Scott's book. has a section on Asia and covers off most of your questions.


jimmy46 8 Oct 2009 07:12

RE getting to South Asia, as said above Burma/Myanmar is I believe impossibile with your own transport. Vietnam is almost impossible..GT Rider for the latest news. Transit China is possible and into Laos...but requires a guide and lots of money. Laos to cambodia can be avoided by going Laos to Thailand...Thailand to Cambodia, as far as I am aware no problems with that route ( have done it muyself, but it was 4 years ago and things do change) Not sure about getting out from Singapore...but why not continue into Indonesia ?.


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