Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Please Help !! Overland Route: India-UK (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/please-help-overland-route-india-1638)

hanif23 26 Jul 2001 21:11

Please Help !! Overland Route: India-UK
Hi All,

I am looking for information regarding the planning, routes on the internet, but so far i have been unable to find a correct route of countries to travel thru.

I would really appreciate if you could help me in anyway regarding this trip. Since I dont kow anyone in India who has done a trip like this before, it has become really difficult to get correct information.

Honestly, I am a little scared of doing this trip on my own, but I still want to do. A trip like this will not be possible without support from Family, Friends and all those who can help me with their suggestions.

Could you please tell me, what route should i take from India to reach UK?

Someone has suggested : India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Greece-Italy-France-UK....Is this correct or is there a shorter and safer route?

If you do know of any web links or any other info which could help me, please give them to me.

Thanks in Advance.


Hanif Sama

My Weblinks: http://y42.photos.yahoo.com/hanif_sama

Email: hanifsama@hotmail.com

Sean Kelly 26 Jul 2001 23:20


I am planning a trip from the UK to Australia via India using this route:

France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India.

You could always use the same route in reverse? Eastern Europe is cheap and it cuts down on the ferry crossings needed if you go via Greece. But its isn't as pretty.

Good luck


mart 27 Jul 2001 02:59

Sean, do you still have to shell out about 3000 pounds to take a bike into Iran? (getting it back when you and said bike leave Iran). I recall some friends of my brother having to do that about 20 years ago. They were riding ancient BSA M20's ! brave souls!

[This message has been edited by mart (edited 26 July 2001).]

Sean Kelly 27 Jul 2001 15:24


Iran and the other countries en route will, I hope, recognise a carnet whose costs breakdown something like:

AA Membership - UK£40
25 page carnet - UK£75
Refundable deposit - UK£500
Insurance premium last time I checked - UK£750 for £3000 bike.

Still expensive though!


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