Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   [Question][Border Crossing] Chile *to* Northern Argentina/Peru/Bolivia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/question-border-crossing-chile-northern-96676)

JuniperWA 30 Nov 2018 13:57

[Question][Border Crossing] Chile *to* Northern Argentina/Peru/Bolivia
Hello Everyone,

I'm currently in Santiago trying to do some trip planning but could really use some input from the community on whether it's still possible to cross from Northern Chile into Northern Argentina, Peru, or Bolivia. I know I can cut across to Mendoza and take Route 40 all the way up to Bolivia without issue, but I'm considering taking the slower, coastal route from Santiago to Valpariso and then north all the way up to Peru.

If anyone's had any recent experience crossing out of Northern Chile on a motorcycle, I'd love to know where and when you crossed and how it went.

Thank you in advance!

Tony LEE 30 Nov 2018 18:15

Is it a Chilean registered bike because thete are still problems being reported if going direct from Chile to Peru

JuniperWA 30 Nov 2018 19:01


Originally Posted by Tony LEE (Post 592578)
Is it a Chilean registered bike because thete are still problems being reported if going direct from Chile to Peru

Yes, it's a Chilean registered bike.

Snakeboy 30 Nov 2018 20:02

Sure its possible to cross into Argentina, Paso Lama, Paso Sico, Paso San Fransisco etc. Just check that they are open.
Bolivia - The Lagunas route from San Pedro de Atacama into Bolivia and Uyuni (but thats a tough route, be prepared!) The other option is the Ollague border also from San pedro to Uyuni Bolivia. Then further north its Colchrane-Pisigia bordercrossing and Paso Chungara - Tambo Quemado.

So there should be plenty of options...

JuniperWA 2 Dec 2018 13:28


Originally Posted by Snakeboy (Post 592583)
Sure its possible to cross into Argentina, Paso Lama, Paso Sico, Paso San Fransisco etc. Just check that they are open.
Bolivia - The Lagunas route from San Pedro de Atacama into Bolivia and Uyuni (but thats a tough route, be prepared!) The other option is the Ollague border also from San pedro to Uyuni Bolivia. Then further north its Colchrane-Pisigia bordercrossing and Paso Chungara - Tambo Quemado.

So there should be plenty of options...

Thanks for the input! Have you done a recent trip that way and did it go fairly smoothly? I've been seeing on the HU forums and have heard from others that it's been nearly impossible to cross with the bike registered in Chile due to the political tension between Chile and Peru/Bolivia.

Snakeboy 3 Dec 2018 06:24


Originally Posted by JuniperWA (Post 592625)
Thanks for the input! Have you done a recent trip that way and did it go fairly smoothly? I've been seeing on the HU forums and have heard from others that it's been nearly impossible to cross with the bike registered in Chile due to the political tension between Chile and Peru/Bolivia.

I have not heard about any political tension between Chile and Bolivia or Peru lately. Sure there has been some way back in the past.
But crossing with a chilean plated bike into another country if youre not a chilean citizen or got chilean residency - there are many reports that its impossible. But then again - some have reported that it went smooth to do so. So there seem to be quite a bit of hit and miss in such things...

markharf 3 Dec 2018 07:43

All else aside, the coastal route from Santiago north is less-than-inspiring all the way to Ecuador, roughly. It has its moments, but the fun times are mostly inland a ways.

Thus: cross the Andes toward Mendoza, then head north on 40, maybe zipping back and forth across the mountains a time or two. Once you get far enough north, the coast, mountains and Amazon basin are all easily reached by zigging and zagging a bit.

That's aside from the reported difficulties entering Peru from Chile.


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