Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Recommendations for Canadian Maritimes? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/recommendations-for-canadian-maritimes-23304)

SWriverstone 24 Sep 2006 16:23

Recommendations for Canadian Maritimes?
Hi All:

I'm leaving on October 10th on a 3-4 week autumn ride to the Canadian Maritime provinces (Eastern Quebec, the Gaspe, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland, maybe Labrador).

I've avoided planning a specific route, because I really want to be free to go wherever the urge takes me. Generally, it'll be a big loop of sorts, sticking primarily to the coasts, but I'm certainly open to any epic inland routes.

I'll be riding a fully-prepared-and-modified '06 KLR650 so will be ready for anything.

If anyone has any recommendations for particularly spectacular roads or areas, I'd love to hear them. (And please don't tell me "It'll be cold!" since I'm fully prepared for cold, and fine with it. :thumbup1: )

Harpers Ferry, WV

davejkenny 28 Sep 2006 08:33

Cape Breton Island

I am from Australia but lived in CBI for about a year, I remember the island had many beautiful towns all with a real twist of the celtic flavour. the Bras D'or lake and Baddeck (Alex graham Bell residence) are really great to see. The fortress at Louisbourg is worth a look if your interested in the local history. It's a french fortress and all set up in the time they held power there.

Apparently they ship American eagles to the states from this area because there are so many there. all in all Nova Scotia has many great stops, these are just few that I remember, it's been ...(I'm counting back trying to remember...) 15 years, holy crap, that many. you might want to check the island is still there!

I also traveled in Newfoundland for a day or two and did some mountain climbing, awesome but very hard work to get to the top.

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