Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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CrazyCarl 14 May 2007 03:51

Riding Western China Video Teaser
Howdy all,

Been busy recently with the production of "The Return", a riding Western China video teaser. It's not an "extreme riding" video but will focus largely on the land and cultures of Western China (which is absolutely amazing and quite unexplored). Of course there will be some crazy riding stories in it as well but the video also serves as a kind of road, culture and travel guide.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the teaser and can offer some honest feedback. This is the first time round' for me so constructive criticism is welcome.

The Return - Western China Motorcycle Travel Video by Carl Parker
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Ride Safe, Have Fun

Dodger 14 May 2007 04:23

Brilliant mate !
I am looking forward to seeing the full length version , a glimpse at a world I am unlikely to ever see with my own eyes .
Keep up the good work .

CrazyCarl 15 May 2007 04:00


Thanks for the comments. Western China really is an amazing place and, if you've got the gumption, a great place for adventure riding. Too bad people tend to ignore it.


tmotten 16 May 2007 02:57

Nice one. It's certainly is a great place. Went there some years back.

Is that a locally bought bike? If so, how did customs react when you rocked up with all the bike gear. Or is all that purchased locally as well?

CrazyCarl 17 May 2007 17:02

Sorry about the late reply but I've been a little busy recently.

The bike is a Jialing JH150-GY2 which I bought in Chengdu. I'm not sure what customs has to do with it because since I live in China it's a Chinese bought and registered bike. Some of the gear like the GPS is a novelty to most people but everyone seems to react to the gear pretty normally, except for Tibetans who have a particular fascination with good quality riding gloves.

Flying to China and then buying a bike is a great and affordable way to travel the wilds (no sh*t) of Western China. If your out to test your mettle, this is one of the top places in the world to be and so it's so under realized, it's almost crazy.



Originally Posted by tmotten (Post 136456)
Nice one. It's certainly is a great place. Went there some years back.

Is that a locally bought bike? If so, how did customs react when you rocked up with all the bike gear. Or is all that purchased locally as well?

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