Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Road distance Europe to Dubai (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/road-distance-europe-to-dubai-2202)

kriekie 21 Sep 2005 13:16

Road distance Europe to Dubai
Hi, just starting to plan a trip from either Munich or Amsterdam to Dubai via Iran. Anybody got any idea on the exact distance via this route and timeframe we are looking at. Any other info on this most welcome. Cheers
Safe riding

Stephano 8 Oct 2005 21:46

I did Dubai via Iran to the UK in 2002.
It took 3 weeks and that included staying a few days in Bayern.

Total mileage was around 8,000 km to the UK. It really depends on your route and how long you stay in each place. I was limited by my holiday period but you may want to take longer.

In Iran it's worth detouring to Masuleh even though it's a bit touristy. Eastern Turkey around Ararat is very beautiful.


raffexpat 22 Sep 2008 19:01

Dubai to Europe Trip
Hi there.

I am planning on driving from Dubai to UK next year and was wondering if you had any advice on planning, preparation, issues etc.

Stephano 22 Sep 2008 19:37


Originally Posted by raffexpat (Post 207848)
Hi there.

I am planning on driving from Dubai to UK next year and was wondering if you had any advice on planning, preparation, issues etc.

Yes, (depending on your nationality) if you're planning to go through Iran, apply very early to see if they are giving visas... relationships have worsened in the last few years.

My experience as a UK citizen:
2002: 2 weeks wait for a visa
2008: applied in May, stopped asking about it in late August when it became irrelevant

Alternatively, consider going via Saudi Arabia but there's more to see in Iran.

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