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judgejoe 14 Jan 2009 15:01

Road Surface (Nasca to Cusco to Puno)
Working on route plans: Need a brief road surface description for main road from Nasca to Cusco; Cusco to Puno; Puno to Arequipa. Comparison of several maps show, as usual, inconsistencies. Is it a combination of paved and unpaved surfaces? Thanks.

Lichtenstern 14 Jan 2009 19:50

Judge yourself
Take a look at
MTC - Mapas de la red vial por departamentos and click the state you want to see in the map.

Cusco to Puno is paved for sure.
Nasca to Cusco has some dirt , but the paved part is probably one of the most beautiful roads in the world. Many people agree...
Puno to Arequipa has to be from Juliaca (if you want it paved) Check the map.
Watch your step , as the rain by this time of the year can be serious.
Take care.

Forsellini 18 Jan 2009 15:06

Cusco to Puno is a good road except for major reconstruction on south edge of Juliaca (short detour in November). Juliaca to Arequipa is also paved.

Bob's Latin America Adventure

judgejoe 19 Jan 2009 01:16

Again, thanks for your help. Also, "Licktenstern" thanks for pointing out the road issue Juliaca and Puno. I have two maps and one is incorrect. I was able to verify your information. Thanks again.

simongandolfi 20 Jan 2009 15:23

Place To Stop
The road is good. However lots of ups and downs. Get to the top of the first pass and there is a cafe on the right - charming elderly owner. Last valley before Cusco, beware small black flies. THEY BITE.
Are you in Nascar?

simongandolfi 20 Jan 2009 15:36

If you are in Nasca and have time, please do me a favor. Drop by the Hostal Via Morburg on J M Mejia 108 and say hullo from the Old Brit Grandfather. I rested there a week, shopping at the market and cooking for the staff, being taken to the cock fights, attending a school party. Juan Carlos is a great dune buggy driver. A big hug for him. There are entries and photographs on my BLOG for October 2006.
Have fun, ride with care....:thumbup1:

judgejoe 22 Jan 2009 01:15

Simon, I will put that on my "to do" list. We plan on resting in Nasca.

charapashanperu 26 Jan 2009 20:45

Nazca to Cuzco
Nazca to Cusco is a long haul for one day and VERY HIGH for VERY LONG! It is mostly alti-plano, beautiful if it is sunny, nasty and cold when the sun don't shine! Wait in Nazca for 2 sunny days (weather.com seems to be fairly right).

Try for Abancay, spend the night, then save the beautiful part for the next morning up, up, up, then down into Cuzco. You won't regret it! If you push thru that last up, up, up will just be tiring!

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