Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Round the Black Sea from the uk and back (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/round-black-sea-uk-back-50247)

martinbywater 14 May 2010 12:07

Round the Black Sea from the uk and back
Looking for advice for a trip around the black sea, was planning on a quick trip through western europe,( done this area so often, and quite boring) then slowing down in the Ukraine on the black sea coast, am hoping there will be cheap accomodation, as do not fancy camping, but have heard the guest hoses, cheap motels/hotels are few and far between in the ukraine ?.

I know there is no access through georgia, so whats the advice, on through russia, or I understand there is a crossing from the crimea to russia, then onto sochi and the ferry to trabzon/turkey, slowish ride along the coast there,maybe some detours etc.
Have friends who are riding directly to Istanbull will meet up with them, then and ride back along the northern black sea coast, and back to the uk.
Another rider would be welcome, will post this on the travellers seeking travellers.
I only have permission for 1 month.
Any advice will be welcome, Martin

damon 5 Dec 2010 12:05

Hi Martin,

I also plan Black sea round but will not be next year. For the next year I plan to go to Crimea, then Sochi and back.

In my opinion "the real" round the Back sea will be not to use a ferry, but currently It's eventually possible only counter clockwise. Turkey - Georgia - Abkhasia - Russia. The problem here is that you eventually may not be allowed to pass Georgia - Abkhasia border. There are reports in HUBB for people which weren't allowed to pass but also some which passed.

The opposite direction is not possible because if you enter Georgia from Abkhasia you will be arrested on the border. It's stupid political thing but Georgians consider Abkhasian territory as occupied from Russians, and if you try to enter from Abkhasia they think you are somehow illegally passed Georgian border. You can find some posts about Abkhasia on HUBB.

The last option you have is Trabson - Sochi ferry which is too expensive and with very unregular schedule. You may need to wait a few dais either on Russian or Turkish side. But anyway you can use the ferry on both direction.

Good luck!

Tony P 5 Dec 2010 16:31


Originally Posted by damon (Post 314872)
The opposite direction is not possible because if you enter Georgia from Abkhasia you will be arrested on the border. It's stupid political thing but Georgians consider Abkhasian territory as occupied from Russians, and if you try to enter from Abkhasia they think you are somehow illegally passed Georgian border.

If going from Russia into Abkhazia no visa is required - but be sure you hold a multi entry Russian visa otherwise you can't get back into Russia either!

John933 5 Dec 2010 18:25


Originally Posted by martinbywater (Post 288927)
Looking for advice for a trip around the black sea, was planning on a quick trip through western europe,( done this area so often, and quite boring) then slowing down in the Ukraine on the black sea coast, am hoping there will be cheap accomodation, as do not fancy camping, but have heard the guest hoses, cheap motels/hotels are few and far between in the ukraine ?.

I know there is no access through georgia, so whats the advice, on through russia, or I understand there is a crossing from the crimea to russia, then onto sochi and the ferry to trabzon/turkey, slowish ride along the coast there,maybe some detours etc.
Have friends who are riding directly to Istanbull will meet up with them, then and ride back along the northern black sea coast, and back to the uk.
Another rider would be welcome, will post this on the travellers seeking travellers.
I only have permission for 1 month.
Any advice will be welcome, Martin

Have a look at this threid. You may be intrested. Black sea and back.


shandydrinker 6 Dec 2010 09:17

Reading this thread with interest :innocent:

There may be an opportunity for me to head that way (ie, Ukraine, Black sea to Turkey) in June/July, with a trundle through The Ukraine but the main part of my (up to 2 month) trip Exploring Turkey, are there any ferries from the Ukraine to Turkey - other than Istanbul.

Sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread. Just add to it :oops2:


Ants BK 22 Dec 2010 10:23

Black Sea

Did this trip (well just round Black Sea, not the from the UK bit...) a few months ago on a C90. Amazing. See our blog here Black C90 as loads of info.

Loads cheap accom in Ukraine - you just stay in people's houses (on the coast anyway).

Trabzon to Sochi ferry is $370 with a motorbike... and quite an adventure. Easy to do though, just go to Trabzon shipping office by the port and buy tix.

Have a look at our blog for info and if you need more PM me or email at antsbk @ gmail.com

You''ll have a blast...


PS Spend time in Eastern Turkey, Kackar mountains - we didn't have time and it was sad to miss out. Met some Russian bikers who raved about it

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