Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Round the Aegean Sea (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/round-the-aegean-sea-94510)

Basmati 16 Mar 2018 18:09

Round the Aegean Sea
Hello travellers,

I would like to take a tour round the Aegean.
However, it seems to be difficult to find vehicle carrying ferry services from Turkey to Greece. Can you help?

All I could find is Cesme-Chios and Bodrum-Kos, but these don't easily link with Crete. Do they all end up in Piraeus?

Ideally I would like to go from Bodrum or Marmaris to Crete (maybe via Rhodos) and then on to the south-western Pelleponnes.

Thanks for any ideas

NIKOLAS L. 17 Mar 2018 14:35

No ship from Greece directly to Turkey. And no ship line from Rhodes to Crete for sure. You can reach Crete only from Pireus and a small port to the Southern Pelloponise.

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Basmati 21 Mar 2018 23:46

Thanks Nikolas,

1) isn't there crossing with Anek from Rhodos to Heraklion? (http://www.openseas.gr/RHO/HER/2018-...18-05-26/ships)
2) would this be Kissamos to Gythio?

NIKOLAS L. 23 Mar 2018 23:11


Originally Posted by Basmati (Post 580833)
Thanks Nikolas,

1) isn't there crossing with Anek from Rhodos to Heraklion? (http://www.openseas.gr/RHO/HER/2018-...18-05-26/ships)
2) would this be Kissamos to Gythio?

I can call and ask the Anek and about the second i'll send you on Sunday the route

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Basmati 30 Mar 2018 09:00

Thanks, that would be very much appreciated.
I understand a number of schedules are yet to be published for later this year.

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