Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Round the World in 60 days (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/round-the-world-60-days-1844)

jorgelira 13 Apr 2003 07:42

Round the World in 60 days
We have just done 15,600 kms in South America in 22 days, we are planing now to go round the World in 60 days, starting in July.I have some questions if anybody could help us.
1.-How to cut costs. We sepended 100 US dollars per day, do I have to considerer more in Asia, and Europe?
2.-Our route planing is: Peru-Ecuador-Colombia-Central America-Mexico-USA-Japan-China-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Greece-Italy-France-Spain-Portugal-Brasil-Argentina-Chile-Peru. ANY RECOMENDATION ABOUT THIS ROUTE, SHOULD I CONSIDERED SOME CHANGES.?
3.-Could I rise some money support ? ej Natiomal Geographique - Gobal Companies -etc.
4.-Will be interesting to develop a web page to giving dayly trip details with photos,films and chats at real time, asking for the costs to support this information.?
5.-Where can I get addreses of motorcycling clubs of these countries?.
6.-Any other topics do I have to considered?.
Best Regards

Werner 22 Apr 2003 07:45

Dear Jorge,
You are a fast traveller, and should have no problem doing the world in 60 days. US$100 per day is reasonable, if you camp in USA and in Europe. Otherwise cheap accommodation available, and cheap gasoline. Biggest expense: Crossing Darien gap. Best perhaps to fly Bogota-Panama. Shop around for prices. Next big expense, shipping from USA to Japan. China is expensive: count US$200 per day, since you have to travel with an escort. Finally, shipping Europe to South America. My estimate of your trip: US$12,000 to 15,000, provided you have no major breakdowns. Don't forget, you have to buy at least one more set of tires.
I wish I could go with you. Have fun!!!

TBR-China 22 Apr 2003 20:04

skip Mainland China, too much hassles (red tape) and expensive due to government guides. if you decide to go through Shanghai, let us know.


kcfire 23 Apr 2003 02:14

Before you go, check with the Horizons communities on your proprosed route. You may be able to find people to help you find cheap places to stay, interesting things to see, things to avoid, help with authorities, etc. I think it would help you have a more interesting trip.

Ribaros 25 Apr 2003 07:20

Hola Jorge.
Yo tengo alguna experiencia de viajes en moto y si tienes alguna duda me puedes contactar.
En que paĆ­s te encuentras ahora???. En una de esas...
Saludos, Ricardo Baros

[This message has been edited by Ribaros (edited 25 April 2003).]

jcb51 30 Apr 2003 14:59

Hola Jorge
Mi nombre es tambien Jorge. Vivo en australia y en el 98 tuve el placer de viajar de Los Angeles a Lima. Mande mi moto desde Sydney,donde vivo,a Los Angeles y de ahi....
Si te vienes a Sydney y atravesas Australia y podrias mandar la moto a Japon y de ahi ir en moto al resto del asia.
Si pasas por Australia,mandame un email.

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