Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Renato Braz 16 Jan 2002 02:35

Round trip Mediterranean

I'm thinking of a trip arround the mediterranean sea! Morroco-Algeria-Tunisia-Libia-Egypt-Jordan-Syria-Turkey-and the rest until Portugal!!

Any advices??


Renato (Portugal)

PanEuropean 16 Jan 2002 03:26

From what I have heard, Algeria might be a problem - most people who are doing that kind of route seem to be looking for ferry service from Morocco to Tunisia.

I am interested in doing the same route this summer, beginning in Lisbon, so let's stay in touch.

I was considering doing Lisbon, along the Med to southern Italy, then across to Tunisia, and then working counter-clockwise around the Med from Tunisia. This would avoid the Algeria problem.

Renato Braz 16 Jan 2002 05:19

If you need something about portugal or lisbon email me ok?

Do you travel in a Pan European? It must be an excelent dirt bike!! http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif
I ride a Transalp!!

thanks for your reply!


Susan Johnson 16 Jan 2002 07:17

Just so you can't say you weren't forewarned, getting into and out of Egypt in either direction won't be fun. See many posts in the HUBB on this topic (search on Egypt), plus our own story of crossing from Libya to Egypt in 1997 still remains fairly typical of the border crossing process.

Good luck and safe travels!

Susan Johnson
Share the Dream at <A HREF="http://www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

" TARGET=_blank>www.HorizonsUnlimited.com


PanEuropean 16 Jan 2002 07:37

Yes, I do ride a ST1100. It's surprisingly compliant on gravel or hard packed dirt roads, but clearly more fun on pavement.

I have been all through Europe with it, and some parts of Canada. Photo below is just before setting out on an 8 week trip through Western & Central Europe last summer.


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