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Lifeline 7 Jan 2007 23:30

Route 101

I am thinking of going from Vancouver to Northern mexico in September and was wondering if doing the entire 101 (bar the part that has merged with the I-5) is worth it, any feed back would be appreciated


Lone Rider 7 Jan 2007 23:52

Hwy 1 that follows the coast is mucho excellent.

liketoride2 19 Jan 2007 03:03

Highway 101 from approximately Santa Barbara to Canada is indeed a very nice ride except in the metropolitan areas. In the rural areas there is much lovely secenry. However, if you have the time, I agree with the above comment about Highway 1, the coast highway. The scenery along this road is spectacular but it takes much longer to travel than 101. September is a good time to do 1 as the crowds/traffic diminish and the coastal fog tends to recede, making the weather much sunnier than July and August.

There are other north - south roads in California, Oregon, and Washington that are great rides also, but for me Highway 1 is king! I lived in the Monterey Bay area for 28 years and have enjoyed this spectacular road many times.


sebjones906 19 Jan 2007 19:34

Time, especially in California, is the real consideration. Hway 5 is a straight shot and is very fast. 101 is more scenic and better than 5, but I don't consider it the perfect M/C road. Hway 1 is one of the greatest M/C road in the USA, but it is time consuming and on the weekends lots of RV traffic. Consider the fact that California has two mountain ranges, the Coastal Mnts. and the Sierra Nevadas. You'll see 1 and 101 but look closer and any north south road is good M/C road. Also, if you have no interest in the coast 395 on the east side of the Sierras is fast and scenic and 49 on the west in the rolling foothills are also great road. The time you have will dictate.
Coming down the center of Cal. will give you Lassen, Yosemite, Sequoia, King's Canyon. Pick your tourist attraction and follow the twisty road. In Sept. it will be hot in the San Joaquin Valley, 100 maybe. I'd stay off 5. Having been up and down the West Coast many times I just follow the weather and pick the smallest windyest road. Follow your nose, get lost and have fun. BTW some of the best roads are the east-west connector between 1 and 101.
Best of luck

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