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Forsellini 1 Aug 2008 01:06

Route to Cuzco
Would anyone recommend a route from Tacna to Cuzco other than thru Ariquipa?

Lichtenstern 1 Aug 2008 20:59

Best route ever
Hey Forsellini,
What I did is to get to Chivay , from Arequipa. That´s Colca canyon and it´s a must. I was told later that´s possible to get to Chivay through the opposite extreme of the canyon ,meaning that you would get into the canyon by the lowest part on its way to the ocean. From Arequipa you should get to El Alto and then go by the Colca river to Huacan ,follow the route till Chivay .This route is supposed to be just great...
Anyway , once in Chivay I took an odd way , which leads to the town of Espinar , but through canyon del Sibayo , not the standard way .The points you have to reach from Chivay are: Tuti-Sibayo -Espinar
That´s the best part ever , but beware of the rainy season (Oct-Apr) because of several river crossings.I did that last September and no problems at all. Once in Espinar you go to Sicuani and from there to Cusco.
I did the whole way in one day , but it might be too much. Consider 2 -3 days and enjoy . It is one of the best parts I´ve ever done in my life.
Have a safe one and always ask before shooting.

Lichtenstern 1 Aug 2008 21:13

Straight to the question now...

Originally Posted by Forsellini (Post 200582)
Would anyone recommend a route from Tacna to Cuzco other than thru Ariquipa?

Make your choice....
From Tacna you should go to Ilave and then to Puno.
From Tacna to Santa Rosa and then to Puno.
From Tacna to Moquehua and from there to Puno.
Once in Puno go to Juliaca....(like being in India, fully crowded and a real mess) From Juliaca to Cusco.

I still recomend the way from Arequipa described in the other message.
By the way...what kinda bike are you riding? do you like gravel roads? if not , you better think twice about getting to Bolivia. There are always paved roads , but you should ask once there...
I finally found a website where you can find all the maps of Perú...
MTC - Mapas de la red vial por departamentos
Click on each area to display in PDF.
Left side you will find routes, across the length of Perú or the width.

Forsellini 9 Aug 2008 18:39

Sounds good
The Colca Canyon route sounds great. I think I'll return from Cuzco by way of Chivay and then do the canyon. Are the roads from Chivay north pretty good?
Bob's Adventure

rauleloy 9 Aug 2008 23:43

Hi Bob
I am reading your web site. What about Harold?
I live 250 Km west of Buenos Aires. I went to Cusco over a Honda 250cc. in 2004. Crossed Bolivia and retuned for Peru and Chile. Ask me if I can help you (well, my English is not very good). Can you write in Spanish?

hillcityrider 10 Aug 2008 13:49

Paved roads

Originally Posted by rauleloy (Post 201767)
Hi Bob
I am reading your web site. What about Harold?
I live 250 Km west of Buenos Aires. I went to Cusco over a Honda 250cc. in 2004. Crossed Bolivia and retuned for Peru and Chile. Ask me if I can help you (well, my English is not very good). Can you write in Spanish?

Hi Bob and Raul,
I 've been following this thread, the reason for waiting to respond is because I didn't travel the road through Arequipa. I was travelling in the opposite direction and turned to Cuzco at Nazca, so I'm not familiar with the other road. Knowing that Bob doesn't care for dirt, any advice given should be on paved roads as much as possible.
Bob you may want to consider going to through Nazca, you can fly over the Nazca Lines while there, then on to Cuzco via pavement. A heads up on La Paz, it's a traffic nightmare, be careful while there. Wishing you well on your adventure, I know you'll enjoy!


rauleloy 10 Aug 2008 21:27

It is possible from Buenos Aires to Cusco and back all over paved road. I do it. You must go for Yacuiba and hit Santa cruz, Cochabamaba, La Paz, Lago Titicaca, Puno, Cusco, Abancay, Nasca and the Panamerican Route to Chile. Only leave the route any millas if you want know some special place and come back. The bolivian´s dirt way are very hard.

Forsellini 11 Aug 2008 01:00

gracias por su ayuda
If this spanish is correct I'm saying thanks! I indeed prefer pavement as Harold said. I think seeing Colca Canyon will be great and hopefully I'll see a condor or two. Thanks again.

rauleloy 11 Aug 2008 04:55

Your Spanish is perfect!!!. Spanish is very difficult language. You can make it easy, only verbs in infinitive and pronouns. Yo poder ayudar tu

Lichtenstern 12 Aug 2008 14:13


Originally Posted by Forsellini (Post 201752)
The Colca Canyon route sounds great. I think I'll return from Cuzco by way of Chivay and then do the canyon. Are the roads from Chivay north pretty good?
Bob's Adventure

Hey Bob,
roads are not good at all... as a matter of fact you cannot even call them roads.
Please check the website I already sent to you and check the maps in order to plan a paved route.
MTC - Mapas de la red vial por departamentos
Have a safe one.
Con cuidado (be careful)
Cheers, (saludos)

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