Your best bet is to take the highway due West from Nouakchott to Nema. When I took it in October 2000 it was in excellent to fairly good condition. Parts of it were being repaired. From Nema you take to the piste due South to Nara in Mali. In the dry the piste is managable, if you can handle sandy ruts. At time it divides and leaves you guessing which is the correct way. But as long as you aim south you should be allright.You must go in the dry season, for in the wet the piste is impassable due to many deep, flooded gullies, and long sections of mud. In Nema ask where the border clearance is to be obtained before you proceed to the actual border. No hassles. From Nara a fairly good gravel road leads to Bamako, and you're home free. Perhaps you would like to read up on it in my book about the trip, "Africa Against the Clock..." See book section on HU.