Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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emptythetank 3 Apr 2011 10:53

RTW as a diabetic
Hey i have been interested in motorcycles all my life and just passed my full test just before my 18th birthday and got a cbf 500 but hope to get a BMW f800gs or r1200gs in a few years, i have wanted to go around the world via motorcycle for a long time as i think i have been inspired by long way round/down, sam manicom and ted simon. I would like to go from UK to Gib then across into africa to cap town then ship the bike to south america up to alaska then into the outback of ozzie :) then through russia maybe then asia and europe back to UK, does anyone have expirience of this with a medical condition as i say im a type one diabetic so need to know if i would have to get my medication send in or if it is ready on the route in the countries i will be passing through?

thanks guys hope to have lots a feedback ?c?

mudmaps 3 Apr 2011 11:28

I have a good friend who is a Type 1 D.

He's also travelled to over 150 countries and made it into the Guiness Book of Records being the first to sail a catamaran to Antarctica.

I'd say it was more than doable but ingenuity is the name of the game when it comes to global travelling. I'm guessing that you'll probably need a combination of bring-your-own, buy-local, as well as post-some-in.

Good luck with the adventure!

docsherlock 3 Apr 2011 14:43

You have two challenges:

1. Getting your insulin and needles etc
2. Keeping it at the right temperature.

Not impossible, but would need careful thought and planning.

I would personally be wary of buying any drug in Africa if I could avoid it due to the high incidence of fake drugs for sale, even from reputedly reputable pharmacies. Needles especially need careful sourcing but less temperature dependent.

Good luck.

*Touring Ted* 3 Apr 2011 15:29

I don't know anything about the meds you will need or their storage but you can usually cross borders with no issues with needles and medication if you have official letters (translated if need be) stating their use.

The world is a lot more civilized than many of these adventure books dramatise.

pbekkerh 3 Apr 2011 16:47

Some time ago, there was a lengthy thread about keeping medicine cool on the road, search

emptythetank 3 Apr 2011 17:32

hey guys thanks for the help i think i will air mail most of the meds in countries such as africa and parts of south america, i shall have to try and find this tread about med storage and temps on a bike any ideas what it was called? thanks

pbekkerh 3 Apr 2011 17:46



tommysmithfromleeds 3 Apr 2011 17:56

A possible source of information could be the World Health Organisation (WHO). As Touring Ted mentioned a lot of countries that would come accross as 'archaic' (for want of a better word) probably supply the Insulin injection pens you need. I know for a fact that the Globla supply of the vaccine for Hepatitis B is produced in Cuba.

Also, send a few emails out to national health services of the countries you want to visit, easily do-able through internet.

Another person to talk with is the Dr at a Vaccination clinic. When you go to get your jabs done have a word with him/her. Also as far as carrying meds on bikes, who better to ask than Riders for Health!

Good Luck!

WHO | World Health Organization
Welcome to Riders For Health

emptythetank 3 Apr 2011 18:06

thanks for all the help guys i shall look into this sooner to the trip as i am just getting an idea as it wont be for a few years yet as i have to save funds etc.

pbekkerh 4 Apr 2011 16:11


Originally Posted by emptythetank (Post 330738)
thanks for all the help guys i shall look into this sooner to the trip as i am just getting an idea as it wont be for a few years yet as i have to save funds etc.

be sure to save the links :nono:

jacks 4 Apr 2011 21:04

I am also in the same position, im 18 passed my full motorcycle test about 5 months ago, and have a Honda XL650 Transalp 2007. I was diagnosed type 1 diabetic when i was 13. I have also been inspired by the likes of Ted Simon, Ewan and Charlie and every one on the HUBB to ride my bike around the world but have been wondering about the logistics of carrying and getting my insulin and other supplies. i will keep an eye on this thread im sure someone will know what to do.

emptythetank 4 Apr 2011 22:15

hey im glad to see someone is in the same situation as me hows it going with the diabetes? and maybe it could be around the world trip with two diabetics helping each other along the way? could be the beginning of an adventure hey?


6Strings 12 Oct 2015 06:52

RTW Trip for Type I Diabetic
Hey Jacks and EmptyTheTank,

Did you end up doing your RTW trip? Am planning the same for next year. Would be curious to know about your adventure and any lessons learned.

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