Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Biram 16 Dec 2004 02:07

RTW in 2005
Is it possible to go from NYC to Tierra Del Fuego, onwards to Australia, Africa, Asia, Russia and end up back in Western Europe in 1 year and with 10,000 USD on BMW K75?

davidmc 16 Dec 2004 07:22

Possible, maybe. Realistic, no.

You can cut back on daily living expenses, but there is not much you can do regarding costs for shipping the bike, flights for yourself, visas, carnet, fuel, tires, etc. These costs are probably at least $7,000 for the trip you are suggesting. And with the US dollar sinking like the Titanic, these costs are only going to go up.

That leaves you little left on which to live on. And you would be literally racing to make it in one year.

FWIW, I am budgeting about $16k and one year to ship my bike to Europe and ride across Asia to Sydney. And I still think I will be rushing!

My 2c...


[This message has been edited by davidmc (edited 16 December 2004).]

Grant Johnson 16 Dec 2004 10:42

Dave's right. Although everything is flexible, and it's amazing how cheap you CAN travel if you really try, there are some fixed costs that are going to eat a big hole in 10,000. RTW on 10,000 would be VERY difficult, and in one year almost if not completely impossible imho.

(Someone's going to tell us that they did rtw in 9 months and 6,000...but it's not "normal" http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif)

You can travel slow and cheap, or fast and expensive, but not fast and cheap.

Why not take the year to do Alaska to Ushuaia? That's possible on 10,000, and you'll probably enjoy it a lot more than trying to do rtw on 10,000.

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

Biram 17 Dec 2004 04:15

Thanks...I thought it was a stretch...if I nixed Australia out of it and upped the ante to 15K and a year and a half, I still will probably pushing the limits, eh?
Not trying to race around the world but I'm now and "old 31" and am a bit worried the family my not be so keen on the idea of a two year hiatus!

Grant Johnson 17 Dec 2004 05:04

What "family?"

Wife and kids?

or parents?

big difference! If it's just parents, tell them a year and then on the road keep telling them how wonderful it is, and they'll get used to it.... and just don't come back till you're ready!

Also tell them to start reading the ezine, good education for them.

Take or at least set aside all the money possible, then just go - you'll be able to decide easily 3 months in where and for how long you're going to be able to go.

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

Biram 17 Dec 2004 20:02

Parents...No kids or no legitimate ones that my lawyer has made me aware of...
You're right, no need to define what the end of the tunnel will look like...just prepare and enjoy within the monetary and timeline parameters that will give form to this separation from the current reality.

Thanks G-money(and Dave)...you're always on the mark!
Which reminds me, I OBVIOUSLY will need appropriate swag from the HU Souk as my good luck charm!

[This message has been edited by Biram (edited 17 December 2004).]

Werner 18 Dec 2004 06:02

Hi Biram,
My book "From Nordkapp to Cape York..."(2002) see "Books" on this website, will tell you how to do a RTW in under 5 months in the neighbourhood of 15,000$US, and not rushing it, but you'll have to change your routing. You get the book, I'll answer any question you may have after having read it.
Werner Bausenhart

half_empty1 24 Dec 2004 04:48

you might wanna give this guy an email, hes gonna do part of the trip your doing upto Tierra Del Fuego heres the link http://www.advrider.com/forums/showt...=trip+planning

DaveSmith 15 Jan 2005 07:42

In Australia, I've been paying between $3.50 to $5.40 a US gallon for fuel in Aussie dollars. 0.93 to 1.48 a liter. Australia is a cheap fuel country I've heard from other foreigners here. I think worldwide fuel will be going up as China gets online, so to speak.

I thought I had enough saved up for Australia and New Zealand, but I'll run out in NZ. Good thing for credit cards, but they get touchy when you tell them you're overseas and a payment is late.

I'm a 2 hour ride from completing a lap around Australia. Close to 13,000 miles and it's been a lot of fun.


Trying to ride (and work) my way round the world on a 1965 Ducati 250cc. Australia, New Zealand and Japan are first. http://nokilli.com/rtw/

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