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PaulJ 8 Jan 2003 22:23

I would like to know if you need a carnet for Russia. I know I will need an invitation and visa to get in but what documentation will I need for the bike?

usl 9 Jan 2003 00:06

Data from August 2002

- June is the time of "White Nights" in St. Petersburg.
- In August St.Petersburg required sweaters. So i think in September, it would require polar jackets.
- Carnet was asked from us, while entering from Sochi ( by ship , due to present situation in Abhasia )
- For a nice place in St.Petersburg refer to Friendly Acc. topic.

Nice trip to all of you.

Have nice

blackjack 11 Jan 2003 12:11


Originally posted by PaulJ:
I would like to know if you need a carnet for Russia. I know I will need an invitation and visa to get in but what documentation will I need for the bike?
Hi all, Looking at previous posts of trips alot of people travelling overland were not asked for a carnet, seems entering by a seaport the regulations are abit stricter. I plan to enter via Norway and it seems straight forward enough..famous last words.

fireboomer 11 Jan 2003 21:32


Will you take the bordercrossing nearby Kirkeness?

How much open bordercrossings are there actually between Russia and Norway, and Russia and Finland? Are they scarse or isn't it a problem and is it pretty much possible to cross the border basicly via every road that is indicated on the map?

Is it possible to do a 're-entry' in Russia in about a weeks time? From Murmansk we would head South, ride back into Finland so that one of our friends can take the boat home and then we would head back into Russia. Will they allow this?


fireboomer 17 Jan 2003 02:32

Just had a look at the maps available for Scandinavia and Russia.
Freitag & Bernt maps:
Norway: 1/800.000, the whole country, 1/400.000 several maps needed to have the whole country
Finland & Sweden: Idem dito

ING maps:
Norway, Finland and Sweden in 1/750.000. All in one piece and printed on one side.

Russia: nothing good found yet.

For Scandinavia I have chosen the ING maps. There are easier to use then the 1/400.000 from Freitag & Bernt. Also they are smaller and you only need one map per country. I used the ING map and the Michelin map in Marocco and the ING was really good.
In the ING maps detail they are as correct as the 1/400.000 ones.

I am getting them laminated on both sides. (bomproof maps ;-))))

I'll keep you posted on Russia.


Pieter Maes.


blackjack 20 Jan 2003 19:05

Hi fireboomer, sorry for the delay in replying.
Yeah i was crossing at Kirkeness, there is infomation somewhere on here about getting a visa from a travel agency in the town. I just need to hunt it out...
I,m finding out how many border crossings there are between Finland and Russia from a friend who lived in Finland for a couple of years.
Vincent danna mentioned www.ryh.ru for a visa. It looks a good site and you can do multiple entries. Check it out and i,ll see you Sunrise tour.......when you cross the line behind me.....heh,heh,heh

fireboomer 20 Jan 2003 20:43

Thanks for the link Blackjack. Seems to be good info.
WOndering how much it will cost..?

Something else is not completely clear. You need to register your visa within 3 day after entering the country. Can this only be done in the place who helped you to get the visa? For ex, if you get your invitation from the int. youth hostel in St. Petersburg. You enter Russia in Kirkeness. Do you then need to get from Krirkeness to St. Petersburg in three days to get you visa registered?
Or can you get your visa registred pretty much everywere? (policestations and so...)

I'll get the maps tomorrow I'll then start looking at the tiny roads inbetween Finland and Russia to ask you if there is a bordercrossing ;-)))))


Freek 20 Jan 2003 23:21

Maybe this is interesting for you;



usl 21 Jan 2003 01:06

Hi ;

After the info about paved roads i hate to give you another bad news, but unfortunately its like you said.

Only the company who has sent the invitation for your visa, can apply to OVIR for registration. Therefore if that company has a office in Kirkeness then they will register you there. But if not .. then you have to get to St.Petersburg in three days.

Sorry ..

fireboomer 21 Jan 2003 04:48

No panick yet. Clearly there is homework to do and research.
Looks like you have to find a company who is based as close as possible to the point were you enter Russia. Also, this outrules reentry becouse you have to get you visa registered again I suppose. And we wont enter twice via the same point... Unless you can 2 companies close to the according borderpoints.
Is there anybody with experience on this?

And are there companies who are bases nearby Kirkeness / Murmansk that can send you an invitation? (starting my homework ;-)))


blackjack 21 Jan 2003 18:56

Hi all. Cheers for the link Freek. That looks like fun!
I hear all the questions you ask Fireboomer cos they all went through my mind. With the multiple entry visa, would it be necessary to register everytime you crossed the border? I would have thought the attraction of having it would be so you did not have to send your docs off each time.
Agreed, if your not in St petersburg i would not like to post my documents....!
When I,m a bit more organised I will give them a call to get more info.
I,m sure a danish guy sorted a visa short notice at Kirkness, to cross into Russia. Its just finding the thread or company.
If I find out anything else I will post it up.

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