Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   San Francisco to Pakistan. need help. (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/san-francisco-pakistan-need-help-56701)

khan 18 Apr 2011 20:51

San Francisco to Pakistan. need help.
i need help choosing the roads, as im riding a CBR600f4i, yes a sports bike. im looking for back roads all asphalt. twisty roads all the way would be a dream.

i have pretty much the US route planned.

i need help from GERMANY to PAKISTAN..

here are the countries i want to visit.

i will get my bike off the ferry in Hamburg, Germany
then i want to go to Paruge , Czech republic
then south to the Switzerland ALPS
down to Rome
then up west to Barcelona through Monaco
then from Barcelona start heading east back into the alps
up to Austria
then into hungry, Budapest
then into Romania to ride the Transfăgărăşan and the translipa (notsure of the spellings)
then down to Bulgaria
then all the waydown to Greece (will enter Greece if i still have some extra money left otherwise will enter into turkey from Bulgaria)
once in turkey i have to meet with the Istanbul moto club guys and they will suggest me a route there on to pakistan i hope :)

so how do i start putting the pins down on what roads to ride.
im leaving san francisco 15 july, will be in newyork by the 25th. will ship the bike the day i get there. its goign to take 3 weeks for the bike to get to germany. i plan on getting on my bike by 25th august. then ride down to the alps. will the weather be ok? do i need expensive warm gear? or i should be alrite layering up?
i plan on spending no more than 3 months on this trip. the less the better.

what do you think how much $$ will this trip cost?
a lot of camping and eating cheap.
i dont drink or smoke so i hope this can be done cheaply..

any help would be great.
(if someone is bored out of their life and wants to go onto google and make me a full road map of my route, that will be pretty awesome too hahaha)

and if any of you have a couch for me to rest on on the planned route, i might stop by to say hello
thanks guys, you guys rock :clap:

Mehmet Zeki Avar 18 Apr 2011 22:08

Dear Friend,

We are not expert only for the routes in Turkey. As you know, 2 of us
(Burak and İsmail) are still around the lake between Gulmit and Hunza on the KKH. Tomorrow they will try the Khunjerab Pass.

Cahit and Mehmet on the way to Egypty,then destination will be SA.
Adil and Zeki will be in Selanik for the project,"Following the Light".
A cycling tour from Thesselaniki to İstanbul.

End of May some of us will be in HU.meeting in Bulgaria then they will
continue the tour Around Black Sea.

First of all many many thanks for your helps and supports to our friends
in Pakistan.

Please tell us:
1- your start,
2- your finish city,
3- which cities you want to visit between the 2 points.

We will be pleased to welcome and entertain you in İstanbul and write the current situation for your destination. You will get the best route for Turkey.
Also if you need any document for the Turkish visa, our club will send it. You can write our club details on the application form as invited by.

İstanbul Bisiklet motosiklet İhtisas Kulübü Derneği

İSTANBUL VALİLİĞİ (İstanbul Governor)
İSTANBUL GENÇLİK SPOR İL MD.(İstanbul Directorate of Youth and Sports)

Best Wishes

mehmet zeki avar

Mehmet Zeki Avar 19 Apr 2011 01:49

From Sırbian Nis city, 2 different routes to get to Turkey.
************************************************** *

1-Sofia,Kapıkule (Nis,Sofije,Plovdiv,Edirne)
(Customs problem and very slow,unfriendly police,slow traffic,bad roads,you need 7-8 hours
to ride the 380 km. between 2 bordersgates of Bulgaria)

2-Makedonia,Greece,İpsala (272 km. longer)(Skopje,Thesselanoki,İpsala)
(All autobahn,faster customs,no police no thief)

If you enter Turkey from Bulgaria:
Svilengrad (BG) Kapıkule border gate and Edirne (TR)
Edirne,Havsa,Babaeski,Lüleburgaz,Çorlu,Silivri,K umburgaz,İstanbul.(253 KM)

If you enter from Greece:
Ardanio (GR) İpsala Border Gate,Keşan (TR)
İpsala,Keşan,Malkara,Tekirdağ,Silivri,Kumburgaz ,İstanbul (248 KM)
************************************************** ********

1-Experiences of a nonprofitable friendly club association.
2-Best roads with less traffic rush chosen.
3-For the places of interest and worth to visit (they are 100'S),please check these websites.
(They are very close to the town centers you will be staying which are recommended by us)

Tourist Attractions Turkey and places to visit in Turkey
Turkey Tourist Attractions
Go Turkey, Gateway to Turkey: The official travel & holiday guide
Top Tourist Sites - All About Turkey
Top Tourist Sites - Travel Link Turkey
Turkey Tourism Guide, travel to Turkey

....gallipoli battlefields of world war I, troy
....ephesus,kuşadası port,st.mary hill
....dead sea,valley of butterflies
....lost towm,frig towns,underwater cities
....antalya port and beaches
....center of the Sufi belief and semazens
....tatvan lake
....ishakpaşa and mount ararat

khan 19 Apr 2011 10:32

wow great help.
i know you guys are pretty awesome,
in my last post i meant to say ill ask you guys to suggest a route in turkey, iran and pakistan.

what month does it get too cold in Istanbul? ok to go from istumbul to tehran late september?

im checking out those websites you just sent and the routes, thanks so much.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 19 Apr 2011 18:49

We are always being asked for the best route to see the most of Turkey. We always recommend this route. So many riders have completed it.
Presently 3 British,2 Australian,2 Swedish,1 japanese friends are on this route.
This general route is for those who are on the road. Depending to your hobbies and likes, cities you plan to visit, some small changes can be made.

When you are here, you will be donated with all the current information, road maps,GPS.Garmin, Street Finder uploadings etc., while we are talking here.

Khan family is very famous and effective on the great lands in South East Iran
up to Pakistan border gate.They are always very helpfull to our friends there.
So you are more lucky!!!!!!!

Best Wishes.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 17:22.
