Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Seeking Info On Latin Amer. Routes - PLEASE (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/seeking-info-latin-amer-routes-34156)

eddiem 28 Mar 2008 18:41

Seeking Info On Latin Amer. Routes - PLEASE
Hi all, I am planning a trip from the US (entry point in Mexico) to Tierra Del Fuego; can someone PLEASE provide a map, or list, of the main roads traveled from the US to Tierra Del Fuego. Or, a list of the cities, and I can "connect the dots" on a map. What are the most often used routes? I am interested in paved roads and am not interested in going way off road.

Also, what is the min. amount of money that a trip from the Mex. to Tierra Del Fuego would cost? Thanks, and ride safe.

EddieM (03' KLR650 - "la poderosa")

nerderello 28 Mar 2008 21:26

Hi, have you read this guys blog, he's doing a RTW on an old BMW R65 (street bike), here is the first of his posts from South America (he went South to North, leaving the Americas in LA - 2007).
Mick Rides RTW on R65: February 2007

good luck

AndyT 29 Mar 2008 02:33

On the left side of the screen, click on the "Traveller's Stories" link, then scroll down to the "Americas" category and start reading about other peoples trips. That will keep you busy for a month or so, and answer most of your questions.

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