Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Shipping Car from South Korea to Bangkok (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/shipping-car-south-korea-bangkok-79277)

Masterchiefflo 24 Nov 2014 02:55

Shipping Car from South Korea to Bangkok
any ideas where to start organizing?


Masterchiefflo 2 Jan 2015 00:21

figured it out myself... two contacts:

contact 1
wend choi
company:aero int'l
TEL:82-2-372-6181 FAX:82-2-375-8145
E-MAIL: wendy@aerointl.kr

contact 2
company: eastwest shipping
mr youn
ofice address: 7th floor, chang-kang B/D 65-1 , sogong-dong, chung-ku, seoul, korea
google maps address: 28-5 Sogong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Südkorea
mobile no: 010-2474-2658

farqhuar 2 Jan 2015 01:57

How long will it take and how much will it cost?

Masterchiefflo 2 Jan 2015 05:24

in my case it costs around 1'200$ and takes 12 days.
in the costs the custom fees of the port in bangkok are not included...

farqhuar 2 Jan 2015 12:32

Sounds very reasonable, and a good reason to not pay exorbitant fees for a guide to facilitate trans-China travel.

Masterchiefflo 2 Jan 2015 13:16

yes thats pretty much the reason for the "small detour" from mongolia to vladivostok...

wendy choi from aero int'l didn't ship my car because her offer did not fit into my time schedule, but contact with her was very friendly.

as mr yoon had the better offer (for my case) i shipped with him. he's extremely friendly and helpful! he even hosted me for the night before my flight out of korea in his home with his family!

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