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-   -   soaring fuel price in Germany.. still rising.. (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/soaring-fuel-price-germany-still-35122)

spooky 10 May 2008 13:03

sore fuel price in Germany.. still rising..
well yes we all know that 2/3 of the fuel price is greedy TAX and the biggest income of any Gov... and so on...

Any way in the last few years there are many of us who like to "just cross" Germany in transit as a country in the middle of Europe to get to there destinations a bit more far east, like Russia, the Baltic's and south....

Well suffering the soaring fuel price my self living in this high priced region I was thinking that many of you out there don't want to spend all there cash even before hand of getting east or south just to make the Gov... any richer.....

Now there is a web page:
gasoline-germany.com - Price fixing and petrol price forecast for Germany = in English (the Spanish page is: gasoline-germany.com - Fijación y proyección de los precios de gasolina ), that keeps an hourly update of all fuel price changes in Germany in any region and big cities, even with maps where it is cheapest to fill up and if you click around you can find a price by cities as well.... the best thing is, that you can even find the average price in other European countries and can add your own price experiences sorted by brand, supplier and price your self to get the average levelled up.

To make your trip planing more effectively, this page shows the map hole of Germany, where it is cheapest to travel: Benzinpreis-Karten Deutschland
click on one of the regional countries (Bundesland) you find a more detailed map and a closer look where to find the cheapest area to top up your tank.
To get a more exact price development lock up the Cities, and avoid riding the "Autobahn" the motorways, the fuel is most expensive there.

Ohh yes.. just to mention it, the greed can be topped.... beware speeding...
from next year on the fines will double... (reasons are empty pockets in the communities) the good thing is the German police has static speed cameras that only makes nice pictures from the front of you and your bike.... :) you are well come to show off a finger of your new bike gloves..... any way they plan to buy more of this laser-hand-held cameras.... with hiding green cops in the hedges..... (day light robbery, where you have to pay right away) they are not making speed control around schools or dangers areas, they are around the open and trapping hotspots where they know they can cash in.

so be aware on your way, spare your money for the more important thinks in live....

have a save and nice journey..... :)

craig76 10 May 2008 14:16

Thanks for the links. :thumbup1:

At the time of my post, the average is 1,498 €, which is about £1.21 at the 1.24 euro's to the UK pound that most travel agents are offering.

This is for my area...

Search Results for dh5 - PetrolPrices.com

...which makes Germany expensive in comparison for UK travellers, but I think the poor exchange rate is accounting for much of it.

When I was last there in September '07, it was about 1.38 to 1.41 euro's per litre, maybe a little more in Holland, which was a little cheaper than we were paying at that time, but calculated at a 1.4:1 exchange rate.

The so-called experts reckon we'll be paying £1.50 (or 1.86 euro's) per litre by the end of 2008. :censored:

DLbiten 10 May 2008 15:18

Come to the Americas its cheaper here. :scooter:

rydalong 10 May 2008 18:39

Thanks for that, spooky. Interesting, but not much we can do about it, is there?

Will be over there in 3 - 4 weeks time, so will just have to pay up. The Pan has a 28l tank, so better start putting the Pennies away up for a full tank.:(

oldbmw 10 May 2008 21:18

Depends how you look at it, I realise you are trying to be helpful so dont take this as a criticism.

The price of fuel is not rising. It is money getting cheaper. crude oil is still 10 barrels to the ounce of gold, same as it was 8 years ago. Hopefully by next year I will have a lean burn Enfield at 80 mpg. When fuel is £5+ euro a litre I will swap out the motor for a diesel and then i will be getting 160 mpg. Better still it will run on home grown sunflower oil (mostly).

Meanwhile I continue to plant a mixed wood of trees for coppicing for firewood :) Close to self sufficient in that already :)

spooky 10 May 2008 22:45


Originally Posted by oldbmw (Post 188861)
Depends how you look at it, I realise you are trying to be helpful so dont take this as a criticism.

no probs..... :)


The price of fuel is not rising. It is money getting cheaper. crude oil is still 10 barrels to the ounce of gold, same as it was 8 years ago.
well the oil industries and the Gov.. doesn't give a donkey for that... there share holder and greed counting there.....


Better still it will run on home grown sunflower oil (mostly).
well the food is getting more expensive than... you can see that right today... burning wheat and growing oil seeds instead for more profit for making bio-fuel is the result there... (all around Berlin they grow oil not food this days) at the end it's easier and cheaper for the oil giants to burn food rather than drilling deeper for new oil source which cost a lot more and was missed out in the past. that way oil prizes remains high and GM-food as well regarding less amount of food acre.... the monopole all in one hand..... for 2009 the German Gov... decided to mix at least 10% BIO-fuel in to mineral-fuel and don't give a toss if older engines packing up.... (buy a new one... is there answer, keeps the economy running)


Meanwhile I continue to plant a mixed wood of trees for coppicing for firewood :) Close to self sufficient in that already :)
Yes... to discover the old way and doing things like that is floating around my head... we may all have to get use to it again..... may rather faster than later.... and if we are not getting use to remember the crafts of the past we gone a be in big trouble if the time comes........
doing bike trips as we know it now, may have to be done on horse back soon.... (again) well enjoy riding bikes as long it's possible........

Now sorry if this is getting to close to political opinion's, I normally try to avoid it here on HUBB.... :)

quastdog 10 May 2008 23:03


Originally Posted by oldbmw (Post 188861)
. Better still it will run on home grown sunflower oil (mostly).

As long as you ride within range of that supply of sunflower oil.

Guess you have to stop calling yourself a traveler then.... commuter might fit better.

oldbmw 10 May 2008 23:17


Originally Posted by quastdog (Post 188880)
As long as you ride within range of that supply of sunflower oil.

Guess you have to stop calling yourself a traveler then.... commuter might fit better.

Dont forget to read that last word in my quote (mostly), but as you say I will be limited to the 750 (ish) mile range of an Enfields 22 litre tank tank unless i visit a supermarket on the way :)

Ten660 11 May 2008 09:02

It's a bad day when you need to plan a trip via lo-cost fuel area's rather than place's to go and see....:thumbdown:

It won't be long before a lot of people are going to turn and say they can't afford to drive to work!


oldbmw 11 May 2008 22:43


Originally Posted by Ten660 (Post 188931)
It's a bad day when you need to plan a trip via lo-cost fuel area's rather than place's to go and see....:thumbdown:

It won't be long before a lot of people are going to turn and say they can't afford to drive to work!


Actually it is already happening, many pensioners on small fixed incomes living in rural areas (read no public transport) have to plan car usage carefully. Third world motorists and bikers are also much motivated by the fuel economy in choosing their vehicle. This explains the existence of teh Enfield. 70-80mpg and a very long ( decades ) service life.

ozhanu 12 May 2008 00:01

well, we all know that there is a great economical crisis in the States, mainly because of mortgage and supplying stuff to army which is fighting almost all over the world (for democracy yeah?). U.S. wants to balance their economy and rising the oil prices is the most benefical and easiest way of doing it. i think it will take a while (till 2010 i guess). depending on some parameters (new presedent of the states, stuations in Iraq and Afganistan, Putin's role, etc) it might take longer then expected. all the travelers have to cut out their extras and shiny mods on their bike and spend more for fuel.

Walkabout 12 May 2008 01:09

Oil economics

Originally Posted by ozhanu (Post 189039)
U.S. wants to balance their economy and rising the oil prices is the most benefical and easiest way of doing it.

I don't think so Ozhanu. It is quite some time since the USA was able to export oil - the country is a net importer, like most other countries.

OPEC has had a big hand in controlling the world price of oil since 1973. The price continues to increase because of demand - a simple rule; demand exceeds supply and it is likely to remain that way for the "foreseeable".

Take a look at how many cars are going onto the roads of both India and China - they don't want push or motor bikes any longer, but the same facility for their families as the western world has used for the past few decades.

stuxtttr 12 May 2008 08:23

All good points, it is a worry these days the glory days seem to be over and we are all feeling it. With day to day living costs on the rise big adventures are going to suffer. My disposable income has took a huge hit in the past year and the net effect of this is either shorter trips or no trip at all. A new bike is now just a dream.

Its not all doom and gloom though its sunny out and my trusty TTR is being dusted down ready for the road. Now if only I can squeeze a disel engine in I can chew up the miles again and live of road kill.

Long live the trusty hack ! rant over

ozhanu 12 May 2008 12:14


Originally Posted by Walkabout (Post 189044)
I don't think so Ozhanu. It is quite some time since the USA was able to export oil - the country is a net importer, like most other countries.

what is the biggest oil companies in the world? and can any opec county dig the oil wells by it selves and marketing the oil without this big companies? it is obvious that the biggest benefit goes into that oil companies and thus US government.

i have done search on google but couldn't find the oil prices on may 2007. i have heard that it was 62 USD/barrel. and on may 2008 it is around 120 USD/barrel, so it is doubled within a year. (upps found the link: http://www.wtrg.com/oil_graphs/oilprice1947.gif)

i am agree that the demond has been increased but not that much..

please dont take my posts offencive. i am just writing what i have read and what i have observed within last 1 or 1.5 years. i am not agains the oil companies and the US economical policy, it is just the way it is..

Laser Jock 12 May 2008 12:56


Originally Posted by ozhanu (Post 189120)
what is the biggest oil companies in the world?

The overwhelming majority of the world's oil > 80% has been nationalized. Oil production is now in the hands of the House of Saud and the likes of Hugo Chavez.


Originally Posted by ozhanu (Post 189120)
and can any opec county dig the oil wells by it selves and marketing the oil without this big companies?

Saudi Aramco certainly can. Many nations can not. But no matter, since politicians care and understand more about politics than economics.

Care for some corn in your gasoline? Oh, we are going to starve a couple million people? They aren't voters are they !!!??? Whew, that was close.

oldbmw 13 May 2008 00:53


Originally Posted by spooky (Post 188873)
no probs..... :)

well the food is getting more expensive than... you can see that right today... burning wheat and growing oil seeds instead for more profit for making bio-fuel is the result there... (all around Berlin they grow oil not food this days) at the end it's easier and cheaper for the oil giants to burn food rather than drilling deeper for new oil source which cost a lot more and was missed out in the past. that way oil prizes remains high and GM-food as well regarding less amount of food acre.... the monopole all in one hand..... for 2009 the German Gov... decided to mix at least 10% BIO-fuel in to mineral-fuel and don't give a toss if older engines packing up.... (buy a new one... is there answer, keeps the economy running)

Yes... to discover the old way and doing things like that is floating around my head... we may all have to get use to it again..... may rather faster than later.... and if we are not getting use to remember the crafts of the past we gone a be in big trouble if the time comes........

If the object is heat, the medaevil practice of growing coppice trees for firewood is the most efficient form of solar heating yet devised. One hectare of trees will produce about 60 CU Mtres of firewood a year ( cut 1/15th per year rotation and is self financing) to get the same energy equivalent from bio oil would take 5 hectares and cost about 35 cents per liter processing costs. The main reason is the seeds that are pressed for oil make up a very small part of teh bio mass grown, wheras with trees, most of teh wood is used for fuel. An Hectare of trees will provide enough wood for three large houses heating and cooking needs for a year
The establishment of a hectare of coppice will recover about 400 tonnes of carbon from teh atmosphere and then remain carbon neutral for several 100 years. Wood is less convenient to use than oil for domestic heating, but the technology is easily understood. On small or an industrial scale is very efficient.

Caminando 13 May 2008 08:31

One thing's for sure - capitalism is running off with our money, whichever way you cut it. OldBmw is right - a diesel bike is the answer. It seems there's a diesel bike rally in Germany each year - I must enquire further.

spooky 13 May 2008 10:39


Originally Posted by Caminando (Post 189259)
One thing's for sure - capitalism is running off with our money, whichever way you cut it. OldBmw is right - a diesel bike is the answer. It seems there's a diesel bike rally in Germany each year - I must enquire further.

well I agree with your 1st statement... for sure...
and it's going hand in hand....
but about running a Diesel bike.... well, 1st look at the price for Diesel... it's not that far away from normal fuel.....
and I don't believe or even trust the German government (regime)... at all........ if I remember back to the beginning of the 90's........ the fuel started rising there Diesel remained cheap and the Gov... started forcing people to buy Diesel cars to get older STD-cars off the road in a big manner, making it attractive of being low on TAX and low on Diesel price... than after a few years when Mr.Normal supported the car industries by running there new 2.5Lt Diesel engines, suddenly the Gov... raised the TAX for diesel cars on a massive scale and the hole thing was a big fraud... higher TAX on Diesel followed...... at the time I was still enjoining my 25 year old 3.5lt-V8 ex-MOD 3,5Tonne Land Rover running on 91okt..... cheaper on TAX, insurance and fuel all together than people have invested in there "new" Diesel car.......... at the end I swooped this beloved truck for a 625cc bike as my only transport.......

The thing is, if the demand of some thing is high.... the price will be used to rip off every one........... same will happened to Diesel bikes... well there exhaust soot is a reason (environmental) just look at HGV..... they pay and pay..... no mater what they put in to here tank, mineral Diesel or BIO-Diesel.... BIO-Diesel will go up as well will be used to rip off people again (demand for food will be the reason this time as an argument to cash in on TAX) it's the same old game... 1st make people dependent on a source than use it to empty there pockets....

well.... Diesel is only good for heating and tractors, LPG is only good for cooking, Benzine is good for driving, alcohol is good for drinking, wood can be used for various things but not for drinking......... ;)

spooky 13 May 2008 12:23


Originally Posted by spooky (Post 189270)
well.... Diesel is only good for heating and tractors, LPG is only good for cooking, Benzine is good for driving, alcohol is good for drinking, wood can be used for various things but not for drinking......... ;)

Oh yeah I forgot coal as a source of energy......... that's for free..... :)
at least here in Berlin..... all this "central-heater-wishers" this days, dumping there old coal they had stored in there cellars on the streets in winter for others to use it.... the last two winters I didn't spent a penny on heating that way... just picked it up..... reminds me on that old song "tattoo'd lady from Rory Gallagher"....... ;)
a nomad live... sooner or later... or already now.......


oldbmw 13 May 2008 21:51


Originally Posted by Caminando (Post 189259)
One thing's for sure - capitalism is running off with our money, whichever way you cut it. OldBmw is right - a diesel bike is the answer. It seems there's a diesel bike rally in Germany each year - I must enquire further.

Details can be found here DieselBike.net The Original Diesel Motorcycle website.

I will be going again this year.

BruceP 13 May 2008 21:55


Originally Posted by DLbiten (Post 188828)
Come to the Americas its cheaper here. :scooter:

Been there, done that.... ahhhh 2.43USD/Gal..... that was nice.
Even 4.50USD in Big Sur was ok :-)

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