Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   South East Asia - Singapore to Oz (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/south-east-asia-singapore-oz-46343)

DuncanCarwright 8 Nov 2009 13:26

South East Asia - Singapore to Oz

Im currently in India but have decided that I should probably start planning the next part of my journey to Oz after I ship to Bangkok.

Does anyone have any info regarding ferries (or small rowing boats) through Indonesia and eventually to Oz?

Sorry if this has been asked before but a search didn't bring anything of use up.



jimmystewpot 8 Nov 2009 13:35

we planned a similar route

Originally Posted by DuncanCarwright (Post 263236)

Im currently in India but have decided that I should probably start planning the next part of my journey to Oz after I ship to Bangkok.

Does anyone have any info regarding ferries (or small rowing boats) through Indonesia and eventually to Oz?

Sorry if this has been asked before but a search didn't bring anything of use up.




We had planned to do a similar route and ended up changing our route to go via japan for various other reasons. Some of the stuff that we found during research was
1. It was cheapest to go direct from Singapore to either Brisbane or Melbourne in Aus.
2. Perth was the nest best option which was great.
3. Its possible to air freight bikes of certain sizes from Bali to Various places in Australia using Qantas Freight but its pricey.
4. We didn't manage to get a single quote that was affordable going from indonesia (for two bikes) however I know other riders have.

We got quoted $3250USD for two bikes in mid 2008 for a 2009 date. The quotes remained good only for 90 days so it was just to get an idea. Unfortunately I don't have the quote emails available to me now as my email account ran out of space and I had to delete them. When I get to Sydney in a few weeks I'll have access to the emails again and update you with the companies info.

Ham46 8 Nov 2009 14:59

Hi, A friend of mine has recently just crossed all the Islands down to Oz, here's a link to his web page, giving all ferries and prices. I will be following his route down in March! Shipping & Ferries – Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, East Timor, Australia

DuncanCarwright 8 Nov 2009 18:42

Thanks Ham46!

I've been following his blog too but didn't realise he had made such a fantastic writeup of the shipping. I shall also try his recommendation for Nepal - Bangkok. This was exactly what I'm looking for!

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