Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Southern England - on a budget (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/southern-england-on-a-budget-55519)

DougieB 21 Feb 2011 22:26

really, why would you go to southern england if you have no money ? what's the draw for you ?

Keith1954 22 Feb 2011 05:03

G'day Colin

If you get down to Cornwall, then you're welcome to stopover here at my place in Newquay (north Cornish coast) .. the surfing capital of Britain. Some photos of a couple of our many fabulous beaches hereabouts.

Aussies have been bloody good to me in the recent past - and I'd love to return the compliment.


Keith (& Ellen)


mark manley 22 Feb 2011 06:45


Originally Posted by ColinD (Post 325059)
Hi, What are the prospects of hiring bikes like for all/part of this trip? I suspect it migth get complicated if we did want to ride from town to town, rather than returning to point of departure?


I am fairly sure you can hire bicycles in Bath and possibly Bristol, there is a nice flat cycle path between the two on an old railway line, a return journey along that would make a good day out.

ColinD 3 Mar 2011 11:25

Not quite "no money"

Originally Posted by DougieB (Post 325207)
really, why would you go to southern england if you have no money ? what's the draw for you ?

Returning home to AUS after primary trip to Russia, where we are visiting an old friend. Never been to UK so it seems a pity to waste the opportunity.

Just trying to avoid expensive hotels and do low-key stuff to see a bit of countryside. Anyway, I get more of a kick out of cycling and walking than proper "tours".

My grandfather's family lived mostly around Cornwall, although as far as I know none still survive. It might interesting to investigate the family background. Bit of a long shot that I'll find any of the old homes, though.


ColinD 3 Mar 2011 11:28


Originally Posted by mark manley (Post 325237)
I am fairly sure you can hire bicycles in Bath and possibly Bristol, there is a nice flat cycle path between the two on an old railway line, a return journey along that would make a good day out.

Perfect! Well ... almost. Missus tends to ride a lot better on the back seat of a tandem so she can't run into stuff, but I guess she'll survive :innocent:

ColinD 3 Mar 2011 11:31


Originally Posted by Keith1954 (Post 325228)
G'day Colin

If you get down to Cornwall, then you're welcome to stopover here at my place in Newquay (north Cornish coast) .. the surfing capital of Britain. Some photos of a couple of our many fabulous beaches hereabouts.

Aussies have been bloody good to me in the recent past - and I'd love to return the compliment.


Keith (& Ellen)


A very kind offer. We almost certainly will be going to Cornwall. Perhaps oddly for an Aussie, I have never ridden a surfboard in my life! Is that acceptable?

Keith1954 4 Mar 2011 00:39


Originally Posted by ColinD (Post 326586)
A very kind offer. We almost certainly will be going to Cornwall. Perhaps oddly for an Aussie, I have never ridden a surfboard in my life! Is that acceptable?

No worries!

There's a spare surfboard hanging-up in the garage Colin, so now you've got no excuse!

Strange .. but true nevertheless: right now - 11:38am, Fri-4th - I'm typing this message on 'The Spirit' heading out of Melbourne towards Devonport, Tasmania.

It's a small world!

Suggest you contact me a little time in advance of your proposed visit to Cornwall.




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